Posts Tagged With: mountains

Wild Weekly Photo Challenge : Mountains

Australia is mainly a country of sweeping plains and endless vistas, but round the edges we have some rather spectacular mountains.

The Great Dividing Range runs along the east coast and at the southern end the Snowy Mountains loom up. When we crossed them a bush fire had raged through and left the land scorched and devoid of trees, the scenery was stark and rugged but made beautiful subject for aerial perspective.

In the opposite corner, the north-west, there are the Kimberly’s. Hidden in the heart of this mountain range are the Bungles. Only discovered by Europeans in the 1980’s. Of course the Aboriginal people had known and worshipped them as a sacred place for thousands of years. These are now called our “last great wilderness”  and they are spectacular.

The fly over and then the walk among the domes of the Bungles and into Cathedral Cove I rate in the top three experiences on my journey around Australia.

So here is a gallery of photos I took of these two mountain areas.

This week, we’re challenging you to take inspiration from the mountains! If you happen to live in an area totally devoid of altitude, even moderate hills will do!

On Wednesday, April 24th (at 2pm EST, so be sure to submit your entries before that time, even at 1:59pm!) we’ll choose 1 judge’s choice winner, 5 runner ups, and 1 audience choice winner & share their entries here on, announcing the winners by the following day! Send your friends to this page to leave a comment-vote for your entry to win the audience choice award!

This on-line travel magazine now provides an excellent photography course for both beginners and more advanced photographers. It has quality information and  if you click here you can check it out for yourself, and it is FREE…

Categories: Australia, Bungle Bungle, mountains, photos, Wild Weekly Photo Challenge | Tags: , , , | 27 Comments

Travel Theme : Mountains

This week Ailsa’s travel theme has taken me back to New Zealand. The South Island of New Zealand is dominated by the Southern Alps that run along the spine of the country. Most places  visited will have a stunning backdrop of these majestic mountains.


Another country dominated by mountains is Korea. Along with a large percentage of the population we spent a day on Seoraksan Mountain a popular National Park. We walked single file behind a long line of people of all ages to reach the summit. The track was steep but it was a relaxed, leisurely pace with time to stop and take a few photos.

Mt Seoraksan

Mt Seoraksan

Looking down into the valley

Looking down into the valley

Nearly at the summit

Nearly at the summit

The summit

The summit

Categories: mountains, New Zealand, photos, travel theme | Tags: , , , | 29 Comments

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