Koroit Opal Fields.

Recently I was left home alone to look after the garden while Jack went outback with his son and 2 grandsons. I have never been to the opal lease and these photos show another part of Australia that not many people get to experience. I still long to go there but for the time being I will just have to experience it through Jack’s photos.

I have reblogged this post from “Jack’s Jottings”. Follow the link at the bottom of this post to see the rest of the photos and experience the hot, dusty, red outback…


The house in the early morning golden light. The house in the early morning golden light.

Jason’s Out Back Getaway House.

Sun peeping up on the other side of house. Sun peeping up on the other side of house.

 Out in the country, in Aussie referred to as the bush or outback, I see and experience a feeling of boiphilia, an affinity with the natural world. Some would say the outback is desolate and ugly.

The children decorate the walls with love. The children decorate the walls with love.

 If you are not observant, hurrying, wanting to be someplace else you never notice the wonder of nature. Amazing things never experienced in the city. Different to what you can find in the lush green rain forests of the coastal areas and highlands of this vast island continent of Australia.

Feral goat on track to water hole. Feral goat on track to water hole.

 It is an 800 km/500 miles from the city of Brisbane to the town of Cunnamulla via Toowoomba, Dalby, St George. Then another 80 km to my son’s opal…

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Categories: travel | 28 Comments

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28 thoughts on “Koroit Opal Fields.

  1. The outback is another world for most of us. I’ve been several times and love it. Love the red earth. 🙂


  2. would love to see this someday – so nice –
    and new word for moi:



  3. Opals are such amazing stones, Pauline. What a geat adventure for Jack 😀


  4. Fascinating spot, Pauline.


  5. Very interesting post, the red soil is amazing. I can imagine feeling an affinity with the natural world there.


  6. Opal hunting in the outback – what rugged romance. Wonderful shots, especially the light in the first one. I’ve been over to Jack’s too. Opals are my birthstone. I have a very small one on an earring.


  7. Wow ! to have a second home at a place like this and the possibility to find opals !!!! I am into gems, I love them and I have a small collection, I have clumps but also jewlery made entirely from gemstone bead and the more expensive gems in the more expensive juwels, my mum, dad and brother were professional diamondcutters. I find it fascinating that they are so very very old and beautiful ofcourse !


  8. That’s a really interesting post. The photos are lovely. It must be miles from nowhere I will consult my google map. Thanks for sharing.


  9. I hope you get to go soon Pauline!


  10. I love seeing your part of the world!


  11. Looks like an amazing and very different experience. Love the childrens’ artwork. 🙂


  12. Thank you, Pauline, & Jack, for sharing these photos! Does the journey continue?


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