Singing Plants at Crystal Castle…

I visited the Crystal Castle 17 days ago and I am still trying to interpret what I saw and what my feelings are.

I chose to visit on a Wednesday as the programme for the day included listening to the “music of the plants”. Described as a profoundly moving and memorable experience. One of my passions is gardening. I love the beauty of plants and of course I believe they are responsive and have connections and vibrations that we cannot actually see. So I was looking forward to hearing them sing…

The plant concert was due to start at 1-30 next to the Blessing Buddha.

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This Buddha is very special to the formation of the Buddha Walk experience. It was in the year 2000 that Naren and wife Sono decided to create the Buddha Walk and in 2004 the search began for all the statues.

Finding Buddha was quite elusive until they heard about a master carver in Java, it was here that this huge, almost 4 metres tall, Buddha was hand carved from volcanic rock from a mountain in Java, then shipped to Australia.

It took another 18 months to create the gardens and transform an old dam site into a fitting setting for Buddha were he sits, giving forth a feeling of peace and tranquillity.

So it was here that I sat, in an open sided marquee, to listen to the story and history behind the phenomena of the singing plants.

It was explained that the idea and research about the music plants made, had first been researched at “Damanhur”. A connection was made with the people at Damanhur and a small box was acquired from them. Now this is were I, sort of, lost all the technology explanations. But a wire with a rusty sort of nail was pushed into the soil around the plants roots, another wire with a bulldog clip was attached to the leaves of the plant and a third wire went into the small box which was then connected to a synthesiser. Ok are you following this… I am now kicking myself as unfortunately I did not take photos. This link will explain it better than I can.

There was an expectant hush as we all sat waiting. Nothing happened.

We were told that the plants could not just sing on cue, sometimes they did not feel in the mood. So the clip was taken from that plant and moved to another. We were asked to meditate and chant the word “Ohm” Suddenly small noises, squeaks, uncoördinated notes emitted from the box.

I made a short video. Against the back ground of the “Ohm” chant you will be able to hear the synthesised sounds.

So what do you think? Is it the plants? Or is it a rather elaborate hoax…

Here is another version of “Damanhur” from a person who experienced living there and now warns anyone planning to go to be careful.

After an hour we went back to the main building to look at the amazing displays of crystals in the shop.

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The Crystal Castle is a truly unique place and on every level it exudes spirituality. The Stupor, the crystals placed everywhere, the spiral design of the gardens, the lush tropical plants used, the magnificent statues, the distant vista of the Border Ranges and rainforest covered slopes, the organic veggie garden. Then the inspiring story of one man and his dream and how he slowly, over 3 decades, turned that dream into reality.

I can appreciate the beauty, hard work and dedication.

But I am a practical, down to earth sort of person. I do not dwell on religion, spirituality, the meaning of life. My focus is on the “now”, the daily necessities of life, the people around me, my garden. So the connection Crystal Castle has with Damanhur and the singing plants left a vague uncomfortable niggle at the back of my mind.

Would I go back again? Most definitely.

For more details of the daily programme, how to get there follow this link.


In the “weekly photo challenge” Krista asks us to show her our idea of a “Happy Place”.

If you think of “happy” as being serene and contented this Crystal Castle ticks the box for me…

Categories: Australia, Crystal Castle, happy, New South Wales, photos, Weekly photo challenge | Tags: , , , , | 34 Comments

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34 thoughts on “Singing Plants at Crystal Castle…

  1. More wonderful photo’s Loved your short video, and I could easily meditate among the garden.. The crystal shop I would imagine also holds a powerful energy.. There is one such shop not far from us when we go on our travels, I can not stay in there for long as my head starts to pound… I do not know how shop assistants do it 🙂

    Living in the Now is all there is… 🙂 and its a good way of BEing 🙂


  2. Very interesting post Pauline! I’m with you and am glad Steven explained it. he’s a wonderful botany resource. But the flowers are beautiful!


  3. I love plants–in the garden, the house and the wild. I grow attached to them, talk to them, and, at times, attach feelings to them. For example, I always feel a little bad thinning seedlings–ridiculous, I know. It’s likely that we will learn far more about plant reactions and interactions over the next years.

    Nonetheless, I suspect I would have found Damanhur to be downright creepy and very off-putting. But I’m about as non-spiritual as you can get and “skeptic” should be my middle name!


    • Well that puts you and me on the same wave length Brenda. (incidentally my sister is called Brenda!) Plants definitely respond to loving care, but loving care equates to giving them the right conditions, fertilizer and water when needed, and when we “talk” to them we are taking time to observe their needs.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This is a different kind of blog for you! I like Jude’s comment about how the beauty of plants make our hearts sing. Interesting experience.


    • I revelled in the beauty of the gardens and the splendour of the art and the overall atmosphere of this place whilst I was there and it wasn’t until I came home and Googled Damanhur that the doubts crept in. But that was only a very small part of the whole experience so it didn’t spoil my enjoyment of the day and I’m hoping to go back again with a friend when I can fit it in…


  5. When you described yourself, I felt that you were describing me! I try to concentrate on NOW and appreciate every little thing in every moment. The way water washes over your hands as you do dishes, the warmth of the sun on your back …….. That said, I think I would really enjoy the Crystal Palace. Thanks for sharing it all!!


    • I agree the very best way to live is in the “now”. I really enjoyed the walk around the Crystal Castle and hope to go again in the not too distant future. It wasn’t till I got home and Googled “Damanhur” that I had a few doubts sneak in. But that was a very small part of the whole experience.


  6. I’m sorry, but plants don’t sing. If I understand the information at the link you gave, electrical measurements from the plants are fed into a computer that is programmed to have a synthesizer create music based on those measurements. Computer programs could be written that would create music based on any measurements or numbers, for example the totals shown on two dice that are rolled ten times, or the direction (measured in whole numbers from 0° through 359°) that a weather vane points at the beginning of each of 24 consecutive hours. The instructions that the programmer gives the computer generate the synthesized music.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Now that explanation is vaguely what I was thinking. I found it hard to comprehend what they were telling us and your reply makes a lot of sense. But it was good marketing and I really did enjoy the rest of the place. Must admit Damanhur gives me shivers…


  7. Very beautiful!


  8. Wow, this is certainly very different, Pauline. The series has been incredible. Have to been to Cape Tribulation and heard the musical stones? They’re pretty awesome as well 😀


    • Yes I have been to Cape Tribulation and think it is another of the most beautiful parts of Australia. No I didn’t hear the singing stones, A good reason to go back again…

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I think I shall just stick to looking at my plants and take pleasure from how they make MY heart sing 🙂 Interesting posts though PP.


  10. Lyn n David @ Meow-landa

    Mmmmm !!!!


  11. I understand your vague discomfort, something doesn’t feel right to me, but unless you experience it as you have, it’s impossible to draw conclusions.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Sounds like an Amazing place I would love to go there. Looks beautiful also. As for singing plants I wouldn’t dismiss it 😀


  13. “I love the beauty of plants and of course I believe they are responsive and have connections and vibrations that we cannot actually see. So I was looking forward to hearing them sing…”
    This is wisdom.
    It is your awareness of the divine that is important.
    Everything else is noise, very interesting, but essentially noise.
    Buddha, God, whatever, doesn’t have to sing through plants to have you and I sense the presence.
    We hear the song everytime we garden.

    Liked by 3 people

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