Browsing in Brunswick Heads…

We have a new toy. Actually it is more than a toy, for me it is a brilliant piece of technology. She talks to me, keeps me on track and even beeps at me if I exceed the speed limit and what’s more, warns me of fixed speed cameras. Brilliant, a GPS system, I will never get lost on car journeys again…

Yesterday we tried it out on a car journey to Ocean Shores to meet Sue and Norm who we will be house sitting for in September.

We cruised along, under the speed limit, in complete confidence that at least the GPS knew where our destination was. I didn’t even look it up on Google maps before we left home. In 45 minutes the smug voice announced “You have reached your destination”.

Now I will “never walk alone”….

After a cup of tea and a pleasant hour meeting the pets, Mitch, a very well behaved rescue dog, and Rainy and Lenny, 2 cream coated Burmese brothers. We left and will be looking forward to coming back in September.

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What a view. This is from the “Lion’s Lookout” and down below is the small township of Ocean Shores, snuggled into the bush. I’ll look forward to dog walks all around this area.

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In the opposite direction I can see the Mount Warning range. But look at those yellow flowers, glowing in the sun and I spot small birds flitting among the blossom. I slowly inch forward camera at the ready. They move so fast and they are almost camouflaged among the flowers.

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They are the scaly breasted lorikeet gorging on the nectar. I have read in Google that this area is renowned for bird life. More to look forward too.

Time to move on and with confidence I reprogram the GPS to Brunswick Heads, only 10 minutes down the road.

Gathering information brochures of the area from the information office we wander round this  traditional seaside village  Timber bridges link the riverside to a safe, quiet beach at the mouth of the Brunswick River and to the surf beach that spans the coastline.

Lunch is our first priority and there are plenty of options, but we choose Park Street pasta bar offering alfresco dining, set in a cool, hip, relaxed family-friendly atmosphere. 

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This town has an alternative lifestyle vibe. The locals are relaxed and many have their dogs with them. The dogs lay under the tables and wait patiently for their owners. I make a mental note that I will be able to bring Mitch, the dog, here with me.

Here is a gallery of things I saw on my browse around Brunswick Heads.

After walking along the river bank we go back into the shopping area.

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Now this is a bright and breezy welcome.

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The architecture is old world style and has a friendly welcoming feel. This looks like Another place to try…

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There are a number of op shops, antique and boutique places to potter through.


This artistic layout caught my eye, very “olde worlde” which matched the display of retro clothes inside.

Look at the shadows...

Look at the shadows…

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Now this gate would suit our garden…

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It was an interesting day with a promise of more to come in September.

But now it was pressing the “favourite” tab on the GPS and we drove stress free home…


Here’s my weekend walk with Jo and her cyber walking group. Also link (a bit tongue in cheek) to Ailsa and her theme of “toys” this week.


Categories: Australia, Brunswick Heads, Jo's Monday walks, lorrikeets, New South Wales, photos, toys, travel theme | Tags: , , , , , , | 53 Comments

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53 thoughts on “Browsing in Brunswick Heads…

  1. Pingback: A walk along the river. | gypsy life

  2. Your part of the world is so interesting t see through your eyes and words. The camouflaged bird photos are amazing!


  3. Loved all the pictures here Pauline.. I love this kind of technology. we have a TomTom Sat Navigator and would have been lost long ago if I hadn’t had a nice man’s voice telling me we had reached our destination LOL..
    Now the architecture here is mind kind of building.. Old worldly and eye appealing.. Wonderful photos. 🙂
    I am trying my other Dreamwalker’s Garden logo out here Pauline… as I get used to switching from one site from another.. One thing which WP has done to make it easier to switch from in the comments section I am pleased with..
    Have a wonderful Day..
    Hugs and Blessings Sue


    • I didn’t know you had a second blog Sue, thank you for the link I popped over for a quick look and will be back later to read some more.


  4. Joan and Terry

    OMG I have forgotten how cute Brunswick really is, photos great, have cousin in Byron so we forget Brunswick Heads, next time I will tell her to meet us there, and have fish and chipsx


  5. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : Seaton Sluice | restlessjo

  6. This looks fantastic, Pauline! What a great house-sitting gig 😉 Those birds are magnificent. The Rosellas should be here in Spring. I can’t wait 😀


    • I noticed one pale headed rosella flitted through our garden yesterday, haven’t seen them for ages, but then I am not home much, this is the longest I have been home for 5 years…

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Lyn n David @ Meow-landa

    Beautiful blog. Lovely to talk to Sue, seems a great person. Pauline they are called Xanthostemons…yes I love those native Aussie trees as well. Unfortunately ours was knocked over when we had to have the fallen Tallowood cleared but will certainly replant after seeing your pictures.
    Your cruise blogs caught us…we are booked Hong Kong to Singapore in Nov…would love some advice.


    • Thanks for the name Lyn as soon as I saw it flashed back, I knew it started with x but xanthorrhoea (grass tree) kept blocking it…
      We immediately liked Sue and Norm and their pets so will enjoy the house sit. My one piece of advice is to get a room with a balcony so you can open the window and let fresh air into your room. I didn’t think it would matter but now I think sleeping in the aircon and not able to open windows was what gave us a very bad cold, breathing in all those bugs… Double check what is in the small print, it turned out that having room service make the beds every day is an extra charge on the HAL boats. Another friend said they were not charged on the Princess line. That sounds a very interesting part of the world to cruise in.


  8. You do find the most charming towns in Australia which is why I love to travel with you. And like many others here I was waiting for the Sat Nav to take you over the mountains – mine seems to love taking me down the narrowest of lanes! But then she is quite old. Maybe time for a new one too! I shall look forward to exploring this area with you in September. I hope you will take us to Byron Bay while you are there, it doesn’t look too far away 🙂


    • Byron Bay is only about 20kms south but we are not fans of Byron as it has become sooooo commercialised. When we first went there in the 1980’s it was a funky little surfers hang out, sawdust floors and hewn wooden tables and benches in the local pub. No big multi nationals all small locally owned shops with home made “stuff”, no imports from Asia. A great laid back vibe with fabulous scenery and fantastic surf. Of course the scenery and sea is still the same BUT…. it has been “discovered” swarming with tourists, a few local shops still hanging on, but many of the “big boys” have moved in, the pub has been sanitised!!! no character left. So I don’t think we will be going there as there are far more interesting and non commercial places to visit.


      • Well I shall look forward to seeing what you find. I agree with you about places being spoiled by the ‘big boys’. I like towns where independent shops thrive, which is why Ludlow is so nice, but we do have the Costas and WH Smith and Fat Face now that we didn’t have a few years ago. And a LOT of charity shops (I think you call them OP shops – why OP?). A shame about Byron, it had a lovely bohemian feel to it when I visited in 1998.


        • Fat Face??? never heard of that one… Op shop is opportunity shops. We have one fantastic garden lined up to visit near where we will be staying. also a number of small art and craft type places it is the alternative life style centre all round that area and have been meaning to spend more than a day passing through for a long time.


          • Sounds good. Fat Face is a clothing chain. So are Op shops the same as our charity shops where a lot of the stock has been donated?


            • Yes it sounds the same. Jack loves Op shop buying and most of his clothes come from them. He has a keen eye for a bargain and many have the expensive labels on them for a couple of dollars and are often like new. I am not such a good shopper I can never find any thing that either I like, or more to the point, fits me!!!!

              Liked by 1 person

  9. This looks like such a wonderful place Pauline. I wouldn’t mind going house-sitting there,myself. A lot of olde worlde charm, and the shopping looks very interesting. Love the gate. 🙂


  10. Jo sent me. Glad I came for a visit. Look forward to following you.


  11. What a nice town, an easy place to spend time. The lorikeets are brilliant, you could make a puzzle from your photos of them hidden in there!

    Liked by 1 person

    • They were very difficult to catch as they were moving all the time. It was fun trying to get a photo of them…


  12. Wow, those birds are well-camouflaged! Like Jo, i couldn’t see them at all on the small pictures till I opened them up. And like another commenter I expected you to get lost or for the satnav to take you down some obscure farm track. (Ours tries to do that a lot, but perhaps that’s just Scotland.) House sitting – mmm, now there’s an idea for when we have both retired….


  13. Glad it was a successful satnav story! And looks like a great place to be staying in September….


  14. September here we come. Oh! I’ll miss out on my gym and be out of my comfort zone.
    at home I don’t need a GPS to find my way around. But I thrive on change it gets me percolating.
    With out you Pauline I would miss out on a lot of good times.


  15. September here we come, but I’ll miss out on my gym and be out of my comfort zone again.
    At home I don’t need a GPS to find my way around. Still it is going to be fantastic I thrive on change it keeps me percolating. Without you Pauline I would miss out on a lot of good things.


  16. What an interesting time you’re going to have in September! I love the look of the new abode, Pauline. Wonderfully casual and quirky. (not unlike yourselves, if I can say so without appearing rude? 🙂 )
    You are my Goddess of camera! Those flower and bird shots are an absolute joy 🙂 I didn’t even see the lorikeets until I opened your gallery up! (I know- maybe specs are called for). Absolutely beautiful! (and thanks for the walk 🙂 )


    • Thank you Jo, I don’t mind “quirky” it certainly fits Jack… We have been, briefly, into some of that area but I am looking forward to living there for 2+ weeks. That is the joy of house sitting and also all the people we meet and the beautiful pets we get to love and care for for a short while.


      • A lovely lady called Marianne (East of Malaga) used to housesit in Australia in the Spanish winter to see a bit more of the world and she loved it. I don’t know if you know her? She rarely comments on mine these days but is active on Facebook. Her Mum took ill and I think it curtailed traveling a little.


    • Thanks for sharing this blog, Jo. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  17. I love watching you approaching a new place, and the way you systematically suss it out, even to collecting brochures. This reconnoitre promises us all September pleasures. I must admit I kept waiting for the GPS to lead you astray – but it wasn’t that sort of story.


    • When we went around Australia in 2010 our son gave us a GPS, maybe they weren’t so advanced back then (5 years is forever in technology!!) and we had endless problems with it so it was with a bit of trepidation we started off with this one. In fact it did take us a different way onto the Pacific Motorway from home than the one I usually use, but it was actually a better way, so it won me over right from the start…

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Beautiful yellow flowers!


  19. I love this area. Great photographs 🙂


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