Fabulous, Fabulous Floriade.

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 I stood in the centre of a kaleidoscope of colour and was overwhelmed by the beauty of millions of blooms. People swirled around me, but I just stood transfixed, to be here, to see and experience Floriade is a dream come true. I cannot find the words to describe the feeling of pure joy, all my senses taking in being in the moment, the sweet scent of spring blooms, the happy sound of the old organ playing in the background and the laughter and chatter of the families. The vivid blue sky, and the air as clear as crystal.

I owe this experience to my blogging friend Christine of “Dadiridreaming”, who many of you know. She introduced me to her family as they needed a house sitter in Canberra for three months, July to September. Sadly Christine passed away the week before we arrived here, but I thought of Christine as I wandered around this magnificent display and knew how much she loved it. It was through a comment I made on a post Christine did about Floriade last year that this connection started.

I am constantly amazed by the power of WordPress and how it connects people from all over the world.

 Floriade is also FREE, no entry fee. I first visited the weekend it opened and, though beautiful, the tulips had not all opened. It is on for 4 weeks, so yesterday we went for a second visit.

What a difference 10 days make, the tulips were at the peak of perfection.

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I tried to capture the beauty but photos can only show the colours, they cannot convey the three-dimensional effect of being immersed, surrounded and totally conscious of all that is going on around you.

There were other spring blooms among the tulips, swathes of pansies surrounded the borders. Daffodils and occasional iris. But the tulips were the heroes.

Every one seemed to be taking photos, using their phones, Ipads as well as cameras of all shapes and sizes.

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An old-fashioned, small fairground attracted the children.

A Ferris wheel will give you a birds eye view.

A Ferris wheel will give you a bird’s eye view.

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Do you remember these old favourites? They are still popular.

Do you remember these old favourites? They are still popular.

The music from this lovely old organ brought back memories.

The music from this lovely old organ brought back memories.

Scattered around the grounds were sculptures and art works.

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This is an interesting interpretation of a dandelion thistle. Jack recently did an interesting post about the dandelion, pop over and see it.

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These cheery little fellows reminded me of “Gnomesville” that very unusual place in Western Australia were we found the huge gathering of gnomes.

What a beautiful place for a picnic

What a beautiful place for a picnic

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I think he is an artist. Lots to inspire your artistic talents here.

I have over 300 photos taken over 2 days so I will not forget this visit. It is classed as Australia’s biggest spring festival and it is a credit to the parks staff that created this spring wonderland on the banks of Lake Burley Griffin.

In the back-ground the spectacular spout of the Captain James Cook fountain rises 147 metres from the centre of Lake Burley Griffin.

To cap this wonderful day off we went into the information hub to take part in a wine and cheese tasting.



Canberra is quite often the place that tourists ignore when they make their to visit list, but there is so much to see and do here, much of it is free. We have been here 3 months and enjoyed our stay. Even the weather is underrated as, though the winter temperatures are low the days are, mostly, crisp and clear. 

We have one more week in Canberra then it is back home to the Goldcoast.

Categories: Australia, Canberra, Floriade, photos, Tulips | Tags: , , , | 42 Comments

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42 thoughts on “Fabulous, Fabulous Floriade.

  1. You’ve done Canberra proud with your photos and enthusiasm, Pauiine. You should really come to the Folk Festival over Easter. It is in Autumn so the city is beautiful. You and Jack would be in seventh heaven.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge : Time… | Memories are made of this

  3. Wonderful tulip photos, Pauline. Yes, dear Christine will never be forgotten here. I know that all her friends remember with great fondness, especially those who had the good fortune to meet up with her.


  4. What a beautiful post, all the colors and shapes, the folks getting photos, blue sky and gnomes, Just gorgeous and fun!


  5. Meredith is still missing from our circle, Pauline. Do you hear from her at all? 🙂
    I have a post about Ayamonte, over the border in Spain, which Christine loved especially for the beautiful mosaics. Funny how some things stay in your memory. I still have a couple of emails from her. I haven’t the heart to either read them or delete them. Strange but very wonderful how these blogging friendships can affect your life.


    • No I haven’t heard from Meredith. I occasionally check her site. How are Paula and Sue? It is always a bit sad when blogging friends leave the cyber circle for whatever reason, but it is very time consuming, though addictive, and some times life just gets in the way…I still have “Dadiri Dreaming” in my reader


      • Me too (Dadirridreaming 🙂 ) I have emailed Meg about Paula and Debbie (Travel with Intent) and that is time consuming too. Once you get involved in somebody’s life… 🙂 It’s a privilege, isn’t it, Pauline?
        Jude probably knows more about Sue. I was away when she bid farewell but it’s only while she moves, I think? Paula is going to be a long ride. I can’t remember the name of the condition but both knees are affected and she has had a cortisone injection. With gentle exercise she anticipates 6 months to a year before she’s fully mobile! Not good 😦


        • Sorry to hear about Paula, such a positive person, hope she recovers quickly. Our communities in the blogging world are very special and it would be so great to meet up.


  6. Reblogged this on gypsy life and commented:

    A year ago this week we visited Floriade when we were house sitting in Canberra. So in memory of that I would like to nominate the tulip as my flower for this week


  7. soaked up the post Pomme = and the dandelion shot is my fav – but all just so good….


    • The dandelion was a photo Jack took, I usually just use my own photos but I wanted to give him a link to a good post he did. Floriade was one of the great highlights of my stay in Canberra.


  8. Fabulous time for all concerned I should think, Pauline 🙂 Especially love that long shot of the big wheel and tulips! Quite delicious. My kind of day out 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Joan and Terry Watson

    Oh how lovely.


  10. Glorious! That wheelbarrow must smell like heaven. I would like to fill my house with narcissis!


  11. Joy Hall

    Loved your photos Pauline. Will be in CBA next Sunday so hope to visit. Will be there about a week but looks like you will be heading back to GC soon so will not be able to catch up, so will see you back on GC!


  12. pattisj

    So many flowers, so many colors! That’s one huge Ferris wheel!


  13. Such a magnificent sight, Pauline. The colours are breathtaking. Love the thistle sculpture too. 🙂


  14. Oh, wonder! This must have been the treat of treats! Beautiful, overwhelming! But – I didn’t know that Christine is no longer with us. Is this so? A shock – I try to read as many blogs as I can, but quite often I miss out on new posts. But, I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.


  15. I love that many of these wonderful places you have visited have been free to enter! (Unlike the Floriade in Holland). And I would have loved to visit this, but will happily view it through your delicious photos. My eldest granddaughter lives in Canberra but I suspect this place is not on her ‘must visit’ list. I have always thought that Canberra gets a raw deal compared with other Aussie cities. Although I have only visited a couple of times I was very taken with the city and you have shown through your great posts, that it has an awful lot to offer. Definitely not boring.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We had friends from the GC stay with us for 3 days to see Floriade, they hadn’t been to Canberra before and they said it doesn’t feel like a city, so many trees and green spaces every where, and so much to do here. A new marketing firm have just taken over to give Canberra a new look. I think the last lot failed miserably to promote this interesting city.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Stupendous! I’d been waiting for your visit and it seems this second outing could hardly have been closer to perfection – especially with those deep blue skies. 🙂


  17. I was SO looking forward to this post and you certainly didn’t disappoint! Fantastic photos and I watched the light display on the TV this morning as well. Magnificent 😀


    • I saw it on TV too. We will not be going to “Nightfest” I don’t drive at night and it is $30 to go in, but I’m sure it would be worth it.


  18. You have captured the flowers and other wonders of Floriade beautifully.
    You even put a link to my post ‘How to Think’, thank you for all the help and joy you give me.
    Those Dandelion sculptures would have fit in well and further into Spring there are now fields of Dandelions.
    The Floriade flowers were being photographed and many visiters were using the flowers as a background for friend and family photos.
    I took this opportunity to assist them by taking the photo so they could all be in the photo.
    I also took a lot of people photos on my camera, posed and candid, a diverse lot of Aussies.
    I may do a blog , like the song ‘We are one but we are many.’ And show another side of Floriade.
    As this post has inspired me so much.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Thank you thank you thank you for vicarious Floriade, and your infectious enthusiasm. I was in Canberra for the weekend but on another mission. Your inimitable photos enable me to have it all!


  20. What an amazing place! Just heavenly, beautiful photos:)


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