Up date on bushfires

Bushfires along the Stuart Highway

At last, yesterday, it started to rain and the temperatures dropped. Only a shower, not even enough to register in the rain gauge, but it has helped the fire fighters get some of the fires under control.

Around the state of Queensland, with high temperatures and strong winds, 30 to 40 bushfires have been raging out of control for more than a week, threatening homes and properties. The media give reports and frightening coverage, interviewing traumatized people fighting back tears as they praise the fire fighters for saving their houses. Many of the fire fighters are volunteers doing a dangerous job.

The previous 2 years of good rainfall has created abundant growth. Now with very little rain for the past 4 months this growth is tinder dry. The hot temperatures and strong winds causing horror conditions and the reports are that this year will be a bad year for bushfires.

As we travelled north we noticed and commented on the growth and wondered when conditions would change. Maybe this season the change has arrived.

Oh Australia you are an unpredictable and capricious country…


Categories: australian travel, bushfires, photos | Tags: , | 16 Comments

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16 thoughts on “Up date on bushfires

  1. Bush fires must be so frightening. I hope you get some rain very soon.


  2. You’re right, it’s a hard and capricious country alright! Seven years of drought, centuries breaking floods, decent growth, and now fires. We complain about it – “We’ll all be rooned, said Hanrahan”-style – but are somehow proud of it, like an indulgent parent of a rambunctiously wayward child 🙂


  3. Sandra Carroll

    Yes one was only about 6kms, there were 5 helicopters with water buckets and 3 fixed wing firefighter planes; the helicopter buckets were dipping into swimming pools to get to water quickly as to access water at the local lake was more time consuming…it was a bit scary at the time as we live on the edge of a pine forest and everywhere was tinder dry.


  4. I am so happy that some of the fires are under control. How awful for everyone in QL.

    I pray that you had more rain.

    Sft x


  5. Sandra Carroll

    We had a lot of wild fires in Spain this year too, some reached urban areas and there was loss of life and homes and much devastation of natural habitat. I’m glad to hear that the QL firefighters are managing to get control over some of the fires, it must be a terrifying situation dealing with raging bush fires.


  6. It’s great to hear that they have got some control over the fires.


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