Thursday doors : Ramshackle

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I have driven past this place a number of times and it intrigues me. So one day last week I pulled in to check it out.

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What a gorgeous Bougainvillea cascading like a snow storm over the sign. That is quite specific and look what it is describing…

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It looks deserted but I spy a door…

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That explains it, the day was only Tuesday. But I decided to have a look around.

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The gates are padlocked, but there is no glass in the front window, just bars. So I peer through…

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This little dog peers back at me. As a guard dog he is not doing his duty as his tail is wagging and he looks very friendly.

There is a notice taped on the wall.

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I decide I will have to return…

Today we went for a coffee. What a very quirky, unusual and rather way out place.

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Branches decorate the ceiling, wine barrel table, sticks twine around a post with a bongo drum waiting to be played and that looks like a stainless steel door going nowhere!!!

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I spot another two doors just for decoration. Can you see them?…

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The area was filled with a very eclectic collection of chairs, tables and what I can only describe as “stuff” most of it I think has come from op shops or the tip.

We ordered chickpea crepes stuffed with smoked salmon, mushroom, spinach and capsicum, sprinkled with feta cheese and drizzled with balsamic dressing. There was only two other selections, Pita bread with a salad filling or eggs cooked as you liked…

Jack settled down with his book, while I prowled around taking photos. We were the only customers…

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Out the back was an extensive vegetable garden area.

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I rather coveted this old wheelbarrow with a large lavender bush in it…

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Bright designs decorated the walls.

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This must be the most unusual café on the Gold Coast. No glitz and glamour here.

I went to Google to find out more and this is what I found…

This is copied in full from their web page (all the spelling and grammar I have not corrected!)

The story of the project

I used to drive past this location and think what a great place for a business of some sort,but I never imagined in my wildest dreams I would have the privelage of doing something so awesome here as this. From the moment I saw a car out the front and enquired if they were the owner i have been on the most amazing faith journey culminating in this dream i aptly named ‘ramshackle’. The wiki definition explains it perfectly ‘shabby ,derelict, delapidated, tottering,  jerry built, among other words. I really think wiki got it just a little wrong though. It should also say words like ‘amazing , cool, potential, quirky and eclectic. But oh well maybe wiki hasnt yet visited this cool awesome space full of such potential. A place that when you walk in you can feel ,see, imagine a future. You can see just how many lives it can entertain and even change for the good. How much culture can fit into one tiny part of a big flourishing area of the Gold Coast. That demands more than just tourism and begs for some personalization and sense of community.
Ramshackle can be a place for young and old to come and make their own. Leave their mark and express even a little part of themselves.
I am writing this presuming you have seen ramshackle. You have been inside. Because this is how you see what im saying for yourself. Ramshackle is a little place you have to experience to see and feel the vision for the place. But since many who read this havnt let me paint a picture. An 80 year old treasure with an ugliness that is beauty. Because its there anongst the tourism and glam,yet is the size of 3 house blocks really. It comprises of two seperate plots of land the size of 2 house blocks and the property to one side on yet another. Wooden and in a state of disrepair it it tells a story of so much that has Occured in this building. In recent years a nursery ,a hippy joint and a flourishing cafe and night spot. More recently the habitation of a family of homeless squatters who left their artwork around the joint,lol.   By gone days have left various pieces on the property such as old weights that weigh a ton. Rusty and defunct. But more important than anything my vision is to make a kitchen from a seperate shipping container rather than try and revive an old gutted kitchen. This will be offered to food artisans to entertain us with their culinary expertise. The house will be a gallery for local art and artists to display their hidden talent. The outdoor undercover area for casual seating ,eating with coffee cart delivering 100% locally roasted and 100 % organic,fair trade beans. Richard Silipo has been in the industry for 25 years. The only roaster on he gold coast. Then the two back yards for more casual dining. One on rugs and the other on revived chairs saved from the tip. Ramshackle has a bell tent in the back yard for massage therapists and other uses.
basically ramshackle  about opportunity to the unknowns out there that shoild be known. To give the dreamers and avenue to realise their lirpose and dream. Why? Because this was me. I have held a dream inside my heart for what seems like forever. This is a home for hearts that dream. But i am half way. There is no kitchen or grease trap. I have exhausted my funds and now its up to the community. For those who cone in breathe in the vision and see it in your minds eye. Now you can ontribute to make it something that exists.  I need your help. Not just to dream and see as i do. But to put into action your belief and faith for this cute little joint. Will you help ? $5 or $10 or more if you wish. I promise I will keep going and bring this to pass. Do t you think we need a bit of ramshackle goodness in our lives?”
The food was tasty, but the menu limited and it was VERY pricey, $34 for one crêpe and 2 coffees…
Thursday Doors is a weekly feature allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos from around the world. Feel free to join in on the fun by creating your own Thursday Doors post each week and then sharing it, between Thursday morning and Saturday noon (North American eastern time
Categories: Ramshackle, Thursday Doors | Tags: , , , | 57 Comments

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57 thoughts on “Thursday doors : Ramshackle

  1. Ramshackle looks like its been built with love.. But they may fair better with cheaper prices, and get more customers.. Loved reading too how it was started.. 🙂 Thank you for sharing Pauline..


  2. I love the concept. But NOT those prices! But adore the bouganvilliea tree. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a white one!


  3. I don’t care for glitz and glamour. I would love it there.


  4. well forget the TLC comment – looks cozy – and the sign about the work the mom/son team put in is just fun,…

    also – the reclaimed wood seems to be a trend at a few places – amd i like the colors in their wodd panels. oh and your opening photo – with the guy walking with his pbackpack on the sidewalk has such a nice allure.


  5. I agree with Joan on the TLC – and like your openness on the variety – nice post P and the word Ramshackle is just fun….


  6. Check it out in a year Pauline, we’ll see if it lasts! Quite the set of doors but the dog is my fav!


  7. If I hadn’t read your text, I would have assumed this to be near Byron and called “the loveshack.”


  8. It does seem to live up to its name! Great job of sharing what it looked like through your photos – do you think maybe they were trying too hard to look quirky?


  9. Unusual and bright… I really like it… Great post…


  10. Wow – wonderful door, structure, and business – love the colors. You had quite an interesting day. I LOVE the lavender in the wheel barrel, of course, that may because I’m trying to propagate some right now. 🙂


  11. I had to do a currency conversion to see how much it cost – even if a tenner was okay for a crepe (nope!) £3.50 for a coffee isn’t. But, if you’re helping a business to grow maybe its okay. I can’t help thinking that lower prices might pull more people in though. It’s certainly eclectic, was it safe?:-) health and safety would shut it down over here. Seriously though it looks quirky and fun and I would love having a wander there.


    • I wondered how they had got past the health and safety regulations. I wondered what it looked like in the kitchen. I’d think cheaper prices would be better. There is so much competition all around the GC so you have to be good, not just have a gimmick.


  12. I laughed out loud when I saw the dog even before I read your description of it being a not so good guard dog…tail wagging and with that look on its face!

    For that price I hope the crepe was tasty! It’s certainly an interesting place. It’s definitely Jerry-built. Bedraggled! What a great word!


  13. What an unusual place, but gorgeous plants!! WAY too expensive for me, though. Thanks for stopping by so you could give us the scoop.



  14. What a quirky, fun place you’ve found, Pauline. Great stuff!


  15. Definitely quirky, but at those prices unlikely to attract many punters I’d have thought.


    • I don’t think it will be around much longer. I will keep an eye on it and maybe go for another coffee (but not a meal!) in a few weeks time.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Reading the blurb it seems they want folk to support them for simply being there!


        • I agree, and I don’t think they will be there for much longer. Sad really when a person has such a dream and passion, but I think they chose the wrong location, too much competition.

          Liked by 1 person

  16. What an unusual place you found for yourselves Pauline xx


  17. Such an unusual spot, could do with some TLC, I would say!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Oh I love it! So creative!


  19. That’s so my kind of place, even if a bit pricey 🙂


  20. Arty farty prices, then!!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. What a very nice find, Pauline. Jack looks quite at home there with his book. I love the sound of those crepes. That would have been my choice too. 🙂


  22. That was an unusual tour! What a fun and friendly place! So cute! Thanks for sharing 🙂


  23. That is very quirky but very original. I saw the WIFI sign in one of the first pics and immediately had visions of a team of hamsters running on wheels to generate the electricity to drive the WIFI 😛
    Or maybe it’s time for my second coffee this morning 🙂
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Awesome place with an awesome dream. Guard dog and all.


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