Chinese New Year Dinnertime : Weekly Photo Challenge…

The Gold Coast China Town precinct has only been established for a short while, but it is expanding and now extends through 2 streets. Just in time for the celebration of the Chinese New Year the first set of traditional Han gates arrived.

Maiami marketta chinese NY southport pc 012_3743x2575 

“And, as befits an auspicious addition to the precinct, a consultant ensured the gate’s feng shui was appropriately adjusted. We had a feng shui master examine the gates and his analysis showed we needed to put a lucky charm in each of the gate’s towers,” Cr Crichlow said.

“So we buried a set of eight Chinese coins connected with red Chinese knots in each tower.

“Eight is the luckiest number in China and because the towers are twins we had to get two sets of eight.

“We also had to bury them at a particular lucky time and date to maximise the feng shui.” (Gold Coast Bulletin)

It was February 20th 2016, Chinese New Year, the year of the monkey. China Town was crowded, parking was at a premium, so we went there on the G:Link, the new light rail system.

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The stall holders were busy preparing the food.

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And the hordes of people, locals and tourists, tucked in…

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On a stage traditional Chinese dancers entertained the crowd.

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I even managed to get a photo of a very rare 2 headed Chinese lady…

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Meanwhile round the corner a magician was enthralling both children and adults with his sleight of hand.

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It is getting darker but still the food stalls are supplying dinner for the crowds.

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The fairy lights are twinkling and some people find a seat.

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Others squeeze on to whatever they can find to sit on…

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While others have to be content with sitting in the gutter.

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But everyone seems happy.


This week, Michelle asks us to focus on dinnertime: share a meal with us, or shoot during your dinner hour. Blogger’s choice!

I hope you enjoyed sharing dinner in China Town and celebrating the start of the year of the monkey.

Categories: Australia, Chinatown, dinnertime, Goldcoast, photos, Weekly photo challenge | Tags: , , , , , | 49 Comments

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49 thoughts on “Chinese New Year Dinnertime : Weekly Photo Challenge…

  1. Hey P = this is the post I have been meaning to come back and comment on! the colors – the variety – the future – the people – excellent and I still soak up some stuff.

    I guess I have grown to love people shots int he last two years and so posts like this – with your added angles and stuff – well they are super fun. the couple in the opening photo – the 2 headed lady – the LA cap – such large and small details to keep me looking while out and about – which is why I cannot always leave comments anymore – I do not have the app on my phone so I can look – but have to login to comment or like – which is such a pain and I am just having to live with it –
    ok – peace out – have a nice week and ta-ta-for-now and talk to you soon my friend.


    • Love getting your comments Y they are always insightful. I agree with you about people in the photos they add another dimension and story to what is going on. Have you heard of the word “sonder”? take a look at this I think you will like it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • ok – I will check out the vid – have not heard of this word.

        and I like your insights too amiga.

        and with the people in pics – I like the orginiality and time stamp it adds = but soemtimes I like some pics without – like this duck statue thing on milford street blog was better without people vieiwng – or at least had a different vibe. maybe not better – just different.


        • We are so lucky to live in a digital age when we can experiment with photos endlessly

          Liked by 1 person

          • oh you said that right – I remember with film… well when certain places stopped making you pay for the blurry ones – and you could sort thru and buy what you wanted -that was a nice – but digital – and then print at home – in any size and all that – super fun. even though I do not print very much… hmmmm


            • Never had that service were we only paid for the good film prints in NZ. In fact they used to put out 2 sets of prints for the price of one. So I would end up with countless prints I didn’t want and neither did anyone else!!!

              Liked by 1 person

              • oh so true – I remember all the free doubles – and the extras nobody wanted. ha_ so there is really is less waste with all this digital


                • and less cost. Well nice “chatting” Y I’m going to cook dinner now, ttfn…

                  Liked by 1 person

                • have a nice meal – and I am almost getting offline myself (my son has a mild something – I had it this week too but am bette r- anyhow, I am killing time as I check on him and stay alter – but also want to get some posts set up for next week – my blogging time is less this month – wish I could post a day – but a season for everything.
                  enjoyed the insta -chat and say hello to Jack..


                • There is a life outside blogging!!!

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Yes – but super glad blogging is part of my life – and love how they overlap! I know we all have different reasons and experiences with blogging, and for me- blogging has enriched my life like Maroon velvet!! Super grateful for it!


                • Like maroon velvet… Lovely phrase…

                  Liked by 1 person

                • 🙂

                  Liked by 1 person

      • the video is very cool – the black and white and narrator – and good message – I will look for other vids (later this summer maybe)


    • btw, ttfn!!!


  2. Joan and Terry Watson

    How colourful and happy it all looks, we have not been there yet, I did not think it was finished yet.


  3. That’s an interesting development for the Gold Coast. And a large turnout for the New Year. Great shots.
    I see someone has beaten me to the Happy Tummies comment. 🙂


  4. Lovely dinner & floor show ~ thank you!


  5. Looks like a lot of fun!


  6. We caught Chinese New Year in Vietnam once. The food was simply amazing. Looks like yours was too!


  7. What a marvellous festival! I love your two-headed lady lol.


  8. What great shots Pauline. I love the two-headed lady! 😀 Now I’m hungry 😉


  9. I’m right there with Gilly. Looks like no shortage of food choices, Pauline. Love your ‘ rare two-headed Chinese lady’. 😀


  10. Looks like a wonderful time. One of our favorite Chinese meals is dim sum. Good thing I just ate lunch or I’d be really hungry after this post.



  11. What great fun. Thanks for taking us along, Pauline. I’m joining Gilly in the Happy Tummies queue.


  12. Amazing photographs, especially two headed Chinese lady is wonderful. Where is this china town in Australia.


    • I live on the Gold Coast in South east Queensland and the China Town is in the suburb of Southport. Most Australian cities have China towns.


  13. beautiful sets of photo’s Pauline.. Loved your two headed lady 🙂 That corn on the cob looked delicious too 🙂 Ours is coming along nicely in the green house ready for planting out soon.. 🙂
    have a great weekend Pauline


    • Home grown and freshly picked sweet corn is so delicious. Hope it is getting warmer for you to do some planting.

      Liked by 1 person

      • We will plant out our new shoots in May when the frost will no longer bite.. 🙂 the seeds will be fine such as peas, beets, parsnips etc which we plant straight into the allotments.. Cabbages etc we have covered with a clotch for protection of weather and butterfly laying eggs.. 🙂 There is a lot around thankfully this Spring.. which is a delight to see. xxx


  14. poppytump

    There must have been LOTS of delicious aromas wafting through there Pauline , you must surely have stopped for a snack or two 😉


    • The air was alive with aromas Poppy but we resisted the stall food and went into one of the many Chinese restaurants for our dinner. It was a bit too crowded on the street.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. That looks like a very popular place to have dinner! Asian food is so easy to eat and share…looks like a happy peaceful night for everyone.


  16. I’d like dinner at Happy Tummies please!

    Liked by 2 people

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