Travel Theme : Farm Routine

My recent stay on a farm sit was all routine. So when Ailsa challenged us this week with the word “routine” those 4 weeks on the farm sprang instantly back into my mind.

So come back to the farm with me as I do my daily routine…

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Of course getting out of bed every morning is routine for everyone. The time may be different but we all start our day the same way. But this particular morning when I opened my eyes and saw this blood red sunrise I had to grab my camera and, still in my nighty, rush out into the veggie garden to capture its golden glow.  I also took some photos of the veggies.

After breakfast it is time to feed the animals. I can hear the cows calling.

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Then it was the turn of the sheep.

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Mary had a little lamb, actually Pauline had 3 and I feel like the Pied Piper. Notice the “daggy” hat? I cannot compete for any fashion stakes!!!

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How those lambs have grown and they love the pellets too.

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Water is the life blood of the farm. Being in a “rain shadow area(A rain shadow is a dry area on the lee side of a mountainous area (away from the wind). The mountains block the passage of rain-producing weather systems and cast a “shadow” of dryness behind them. rain is not regular and all the irrigation is reliant on the water from the 2 dams and this pump system to send the water through a complicated irrigation system to all the native flower orchard and the gardens.

I stressed about it failing, so every day I would climb up to peer into the tanks checking the water levels.

Another weekly routine was to “back flush” the pumps to clear out sediment. That was a fun thing the dogs loved too.

Then there was the veggie garden, a regular routine of weeding and harvesting every day.

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But how satisfying it was to gather and then eat these delicious vegetables.

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These are just some of the fruits of my labour. These were picked when Deidre arrived home. The sweet corn all matured together so we had a morning of picking, preparing and processing them for the freezer.

Now I have a secret confession to make…

See behind the  veggies? Well that became my obsession, the dishwasher. I have never used one before and poo-pooed the idea of using one for just 2 people, BUT it became my routine to put the dishes in this marvellous machine after every meal. How circumstances changed my attitude… 

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These strawberries are all in pots and on a raised bench making the daily routine of picking very easy. They also have an automatic sprinkler system and are in a netted enclosure to keep out birds.

The strawberries are nearing the end of their productive season but still found enough to have strawberries every morning with breakfast and strawberries and ice-cream for dessert every evening. Sometimes mixed with rhubarb, a taste sensation made in heaven…

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When Deidre arrived home she came out to help pick the strawberries, notice Seldon, he would get the over ripe ones, he loved them and would dash from one of us to the other in anticipation.

The day is now ending, but one very important task is to feed  the dogs and put them in their pen for the night.

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After a satisfying day on the farm, taking me back in time over 30 years to when I farmed in New Zealand. There is one last thing to do.

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Take time to smell the roses…

Categories: farming, garden, house sitting, photos, routine, travel, travel theme, vegetable garden | Tags: , , , , , | 46 Comments

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46 thoughts on “Travel Theme : Farm Routine

  1. An inspiring post. Thank you. 🙂


  2. Pingback: The Benefits of Local Knowledge… | gypsy life

  3. Lovely farm there, Pauline and I am sure you enjoyed it. The photos have been delightful as always, and that farm was a lot of work! My hats off to you both! I am glad to hear you are home and resting up:))


  4. You make a tough routine sound and look lovely. Knowing that it was temporary would have been a help to me I know. How wonderful for the one getting the one month break to have you and Jack to rely on!


    • It made me think back to when farming was a 24/7 lifestyle for me in NZ for over 10 years, I loved it but was much younger then. Now I enjoyed it but definitely the fact that it was only 4 weeks helped.


  5. I’m so glad that you shared the farm routine. I had been curious as to how much work you were putting in on a daily basis. Looks like a lot! I imagine it was satisfying for a month but lovely to come home and put your feet up a bit. As someone who hates housecleaning of any kind, but loves to cook, I can attest to the wonders of a dishwasher.


    • One of the joys of living in an ultra small granny flat is the lack of house work needed. The down side is not having a regular kitchen just a gas 2 element camper burner and a small pizza oven + an electric frypan. But it is amazing how much you can do with those 3 things, and Jack to do the dishes!!!


  6. poppytump

    Aw Pauline I so admire your energy and spirit .. with your farming experiences earlier on in your life I guess you knew somewhat the tasks and routines you and Jack might be involved with, but you know I don’t think I could have done it Lol . Looked like you were on the go pretty much full time, I know you thoroughly enjoyed it all – but thank heavens for the dishwasher and roses to end the day ! Super photos of the veggie bounty … dogs .. you … and ewes 🙂


  7. Jackie

    This looked like an amazing, and “busy” home sit!

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  8. I know how hard that work is, just weeding and picking never mind feeding cows, sheep and all the rest Pauline so my Hats off to you both for all the hard work that must have gone into a day on the farm, never mind a months worth..
    Loved the idea of strawberries raised as they were, takes all that back ache out of picking them.. and those two dogs were gorgeous.. 🙂
    Thank you for sharing.. loved All of your photo’s…

    I hope that you are now finding more time to smell More roses Pauline.. 🙂
    Love and Blessings to you..
    Hugs Sue xxx ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Looking afterr a farm , I think I would like that too except for the early mornings ! I am more of an evening person 😀 ! Lovely pictures you took there !


    • Thanks Gwennie. We didn’t have to get up too early. 7am most mornings. I used to get up at 4am when I milked cows in NZ, I couldn’t do that any more…


  10. So beautiful, Pauline. Lots of work to keep you busy, but smelling the roses is a lovely way to end your day. Love the photo of the dogs relishing their meal. 🙂


  11. That routine is physically intensive PP. You must be a very fit lady to manage all that. I loved the roses at the end and I am glad you were able to sit down and smell them each evening, along with a glass of wine I hope, you certainly deserved one! You and Jack are extraordinary people, enjoy your time at home with the non-routine 🙂


  12. Wow Pomme, that looks like TONS of work to me but it looks like you accomplished it all in excellent form! Sometimes it’s nice to get out of our routine and do something completely different. Two ways to look at routines this week I think. Nicely done, thanks for sharing your very memorable experience!


  13. What a glorious place to stay!


  14. You know something. You are just a tad more than remarkable. This is an easy four weeks? It sounds simply wonderful, but my brain, back and fingers, all started to rebel uncontrollably with the mention of the daily weeding of the vegetables. I can be in the moment, focus on the wonder, but I am still not loving weeding. I have done way too much of it. It hurts.
    It is very good you knew what you were doing with the sheep, lambs, those gorgeous border collies. I would be stressing about the lambs. But then, I’ve never taken care of lambs.
    Could you please tell me what is it about you and Jack that is so wonderful?
    This is a rhetorical question. Don’t answer.
    I know the answer.
    You are both quite remarkable.


    • Thanks Cindy you are a lovely blogging buddy to say such kind things about us. I was lucky that the ewe knew exactly what she was doing and by the time I found her it was mission accomplished and one very healthy baby.I also admire you and Jim for your adventurous spirit and sharing all the amazing places you visit.


  15. Beautiful, wonderful homage to life on a farm, Pauline (and Jack). Love your spirit! Also, that you experienced the joys of a dishwasher… 😉Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Deidre Tronson

    Pauline, can you email me a copy of the photo of the two dogs please, for my personal files?



    Deidre Tronson 21 Eagle Creek Rd Werombi 2570

    ph 02 4653 1430


  17. Great Post


  18. Nice post Pauline my routine was smelling the roses.
    Giving those dogs their hose down, taking photos.
    You protested about having your photo taken.
    So I am pleased you used them.
    I am sue every one will see them as beautiful as I do._/\_


  19. I think I am a farmer at heart still. My soul remains there but my body just won’t do what I ask of it….I am a slow learner. I dearly love the soil and plants….any plants. I will be looking for a farm house sit…just have to make sure Mick and I can manage it.
    We are still slowly packing for the move and I have to downsize hugely again. Oh no!
    I move on the 27th of this month to half an acre at Maleny. Can’t remember if I told you that! Ahhhh age!
    Glad to see you are back…but…where to next. Isn’t life amazing. Sending love your way. Marilyn


    • So your house is sold? Half acre in Maleny sounds like heaven, I love that area.Have you bought it or are you renting? What ever happens next is in the lap of the Gods for both of us. Best wishes Marilyn hope you have fine weather for your move.


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