Weekly Photo Challenge : Welcome to Now, and the last moments of 2015…

Welcome to “Now”, this moment in time.

But as I write it, as I think it, it has gone and the next now is here…

We are urged to live in the now. But how can I record it? How can I show you now?

Well I have thousands of “now moments” recorded on my computer’s hard drive. Photography is the medium of “now”. A moment in time captured forever, making it possible, even years from now, to recall those fleeting moments, bringing back memories.

Mt Annan Gardens Camden jc 015_4000x3000

Jack has caught me, in a very inelegant pose, as I take a photo of these pretty native flowers in the Mount Annan Botanic Gardens in Sydney.

Mt Annan Gardens Camden PC 011_4000x3000

What a vivid splash of colour this Scaevola aemula (Fairy Fan-flower or Common Fan-flower) makes. Behind it is the paper daisy, another Australian native, and one of my favourites.

Now looking at these photos brings back the detail of that day. Spending time with our son and his wife, wandering around enjoying a pleasant day spent together and sharing a meal at the gardens restaurant. All caught and recorded in the moment in time, however fleeting it may be.

As I write this it is the last day of 2015, 9-10pm, the night is still and warm and the chirping sound of cicadas fill the air, but in the distance I can, faintly, hear  the children’s display of fireworks being let off in one of the townships. The now moments are slipping by and soon (3 hours and 45 minutes at this precise moment, but of course it is getting less as I type) it will be the BIG moment when 2015 becomes 2016, and the crescendo of fireworks reverberates around the world.

Time to think of the year that has passed so quickly and the unknown of the year ahead.

Best wishes to all my blogging buddies it has been an absolute pleasure to be part of this world-wide community. Thank you for dropping by to my part of the world and especially thank you for leaving comments and sharing your life with me. I look forward to the coming year and all it holds for us.


Categories: now, photos, post-a-day, travel, Weekly photo challenge | Tags: , , , , | 38 Comments

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38 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge : Welcome to Now, and the last moments of 2015…

  1. Joan and Terry Watson

    2016 now here, we have the rain we need, I will not look back. Keep your camera skills going in 2016, everything is sooo lovely, keep having fun you and Jackx


  2. Happy 2016!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a busy year you’ve had, Pauline. I look forward to reading more about your adventures in 2016. May it be a very happy one for you and your family. 🙂


  4. Happy New Year, Pauline… Let’s start the New Year in the now… Many blessings to you and yours… 🙂


  5. So many lovely comments, Pauline! You and Jack attract the warmth because you are warm and caring yourselves. It really is the most wonderful ‘family’ we have here and I’m proud to share it with you. Still 2 hours to go here so I’m going to have a bath and put something snuggly on to watch the fireworks. (hope the neighbours don’t come knocking 🙂 🙂 )


  6. Happy New Year, Pauline! I had a an early one last night – feeling fighting fit today 😉

    Thank you for the follow on FB 😀 xxxx


    • I was in bed by 9-30pm and had a busy day today. Last day of our farm sit as the owners came back today so we are going home on Sunday…


  7. Happy NewYear, Pauline. Here’s to a year filled with many now moments captured in your beautiful photos.


  8. Happy New Year! Wishing you lots more “Nows” in 2016.


  9. Dear Pauline – and Jack I’ve loved every visit with you, happy 2016 x


  10. PP I have loved sharing the now with you and Jack throughout this year, your warmth and enthusiasm for life seeps through your blog and I love how you view the world around you. Wishing you both lots and lots of more ‘now’ moments to come 🙂
    Jude xx


    • Thank you Jude I feel we have so much in common, even though we have never physically met, that is the power of WordPress. Good luck in your move and best wishes for the year ahead. We will be with you…

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Your photographs of the beautiful things in your now’s brings their beauty and your joy into my now. Thank you so much for sharing, and may 2016 bring you countless more beautiful now’s.
    Happy New Year!


  12. poppytump

    Happy new year to a dear blogging friend ! Here’s to a happy healthy adventuresome time ahead in 2016 for you and Jack …there’ll be lots of things to show and tell Pauline I’m sure 😉 Have fun for the rest of the holidays x


    • I’ve really enjoyed your company Poppy and loved seeing your photography grow. Best wishes, safe travels and keep the photos and the delightful water colours coming…:)

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Pauline, the pleasure you bring within each of your posts as you and Jack experience your NOW moments have been exquisite to say the least.. It is I who thank you for sharing all that you do, I know I have not had as much time to visit here as often as I would wish.. but when I do catch your posts I love every now moment of memories you create..
    Wishing you and Jack a Very Happy New Year, I did leave a comment upon Jacks post, but I still think I am being sent to spam..
    Happy 2016 and Beyond.. Love Sue


  14. Yes living in the moment takes on a different significance as we get older. Our ‘now’ is more precious. Happy 2016 since it’s already arrived in your now🎉🎉 Look forward to following your blogs in the now to come.


  15. It’s morning here as you anticipate the new year’s arrival down there. I love the way the new year unfolds around the world. Best to you and Jack for the whole upcoming year.


    • It has been a pleasure getting to know you Brenda and sharing your joy of your new home. Best wishes for 2016, I look forward to seeing the seasons unfold over there.

      Liked by 1 person

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