Goodbye Garden…

Today we leave home for 3 weeks to do a house sit, so I went round the garden to say goodbye.

Would you like to come with me?

It is now spring over here and a beautiful time of the year. The weather is mild, 23-24deg, but it is getting dry so I hope we have some rain while we are away.

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The Rock Orchid, Dendrobium speciosum. It is just starting to open and as you can see it has lots of spikes still to open fully. It is spectacular in full flower so I hope it is still flowering when I return home.

The annual Primula and lobelia have been putting on a cheery show for weeks now, but as the weather gets hotter they will fade.

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The nasturtiums are taking over, but they are good ground cover.

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The compost bin is full and I’m sure when we return it will all be ready to spread around.

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Now round to the back garden and the bottlebrush is just starting to flower, it will be a riot of blossom while we are away.

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Finally you may like to sit for a while and watch the fish in the ponds and if you look up into the frangipani tree (which is not flowering yet) you will see tendrils of Hoyas twining through the branches covered in buds, only one is open, but they will be a show when I get back.

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Categories: garden, Goldcoast, photos, Queensland | Tags: , , , | 49 Comments

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49 thoughts on “Goodbye Garden…

  1. Pingback: Mini backyard veggie plot… | gypsy life

  2. I will make a deal with you and Jack. We will housesit your house while you housesit someone else’s house. Your house is lovely Pauline!


  3. What a Wonderful colourful garden Pauline.. I am so pleased you invited me for the tour to say goodbye for a short while to your lovely plants.. Beautiful 🙂 xxx


  4. Happy new home, Pauline! 🙂 That Hoya will be amazing when you get back. Love to Jack! No after effects from his fall?


  5. goodness PP what a delight your garden is. I am enthralled with the images of it.


  6. really enjoyed the garden stroll! have fun house sitting! i am not back in blog mode yet but enjoyed your comment last week! safe travels and be dropping by later! xxoo 💛💚💙


  7. You have such a beautiful space there PP. just gorgeous. Have a good trip!


  8. I am amazed, knowing the amount of work this takes. It’s just gorgeous!


  9. Enjoy, and it will be nice to see the pets. From your photos I’ve just identified a house plant that I’ve had for years and never knew what it was – the Hoya!


  10. What a beautiful garden, Pauline! I know it must be hard to leave it behind. Do you have someone who tends it while you’re away? I’m excited to see your house sit though. I hope you have a wonderful adventure! 🙂


  11. I have said it before but I will say it again, I love your tropical garden! It looks like a mini rain-forest, full of exotic plants and vibrant colours. I’m not sure I could pull myself away from it, and I appreciate all yours and Jack’s hard work that goes in to creating this beauty. Enjoy the new place. And I know exactly what you mean regards the walking. One reason to consider a dog of my own – it would get me up early in the morning and get me out every day! See you later PP once you have settled in.
    Jude xx


  12. have a great time housesitting !!


  13. Gorgeous garden Pauline 🙂 Have a safe trip


  14. Your spring garden is very lovely and lush. I’m sure it’s a little hard to leave but it helps that an adventure beckons. Travel safely and I look forward to your house sit posts.


  15. Yay for spring, and wishing you safe travels, Pauline.


  16. Lemonpath

    What a lovely garden! Have a great trip!


  17. Hello and goodbye, lovely garden! Have a great trip, Pauline.


  18. Will you be homesick for your lovely garden? I suspect not. You’ll be avid for a new place and all its delights. I’m looking forward to joining you elsewhere. Any animals this time?


    • I’m looking forward to our new house and garden (lots of photo ops!!!) Yes we have one lovely mature dog, and 2 cats, Burmese brothers. I also look forward to the discipline of dog walking, I always say I WILL walk every day when I am at home, but doing it EVERY day is not always a priority…


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