Show and tell….

Will we, won’t we? What make? What size? New, old? The decisions have buzzed around my head for a few weeks now. Daily checking on Gumtree and Car Sales sites on the internet. Will we buy privately or through a dealer? Going round car yards. Talking with friends.

I love the searching part of acquiring anything…

After research we had decided it would be either a Hyundai i30, or a Toyota Corolla. So this last weekend, with the help of a son to chauffeur us around in his car, we set out to look seriously at a short list of vehicles we had found on the internet.

Look what we finally found…

Toyota Corolla 003_4000x3000

A 2007 Toyota Corolla, a one lady owner, low mileage. Perfect. I fell in love with it from the moment I saw it. I had a feeling that THE car would find me and be a suitable replacement for Matilda. Now this one will have to be christened. But I will need to drive it around for a while till it imprints its character on me and a name will suggest itself.

Now I am planning and dreaming of the places to see and the adventures waiting to be experienced. But for now we will be staying home for a few more months. Enjoying the garden and exploring around close to home. At least I will, Jack is flying to Sydney to visit a son for a week and so I will be home alone. Me and the car…

Categories: Australia, Burleigh, photos, Toyota Corolla | Tags: , , , | 52 Comments

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52 thoughts on “Show and tell….

  1. I will be interested in see what name comes to mind Pauline 🙂 looks a great little car..


  2. Lyn n David @ Meow-landa

    Oh she looks wonderful Pauline, congratulations. After our very old Subaru finally said enough is enough, please let me rest, we bought a gorgeous little Suzuki Alto. She is like a motor bike with seats and I just love her. “Little Wheels” is just perfect for our many weekly trips to The Big Smoke…..Atherton. Enjoy!


    • Good to hear from you Lyn. I was thinking of you the other day as all those Zygo cactus I took cuttings of from your place are now flowering and they are beauties. How are the felines?


  3. How fun to be home alone with a new (to you) car to get to know. I sure do miss Matilda, but I’m happy to get to know your new companion and the places she’ll take you! Have fun!


    • G’day Maddie, Jack is now in Sydney and I am on the GC, alone. It is very quiet…


      • Oh, I’m sure it is. When Rich has to go out of town, I always think I’ll enjoy the time to myself, but I miss him, and we end up on the phone or chatting via the computer all evening anyway. Hope you can enjoy the quiet until Jack gets home again.


        • He’s only away for 5 days and I have plans for the day times, but will miss sharing and the nights will be lonely.


  4. Eek! Home alone??? Think of the mischief you can get into 🙂 (joking, of course). Our beloved pale green 15 year old Honda Civic gave up the ghost the other week so Mick is now the proud owner of a 2 year old white one. All bells and whistles 🙂 Just a car to me… not at all interested so long as it gets me there. Enjoy your freedom!


    • G’day Jo. Well Jack is now in Sydney and it is surprisingly quiet here at home. Even though we don’t chatter a lot to each other it is strange not to have another presence to share with…


  5. What a little beauty. Are you going to name it?


  6. My husband had a Corolla before we got married and we’re now on our second Toyota Sienna minivan. Love it!!



  7. While the cats away, the mice will play. 😀 I’m sure you’re going to enjoy whizzing around in your lovely new car. Good travel wishes to Jack.


  8. It’s very pretty 🙂 you could have some girly adventures while Jack is away?


  9. I had Toyotas for years. Great cars! Congratulations on your new baby!! I am looking forward to reading about the adventures you will have with her ! Safe travels to Jack as well. I got a new theme for my blog let me know what you think.:))


  10. Congratulations on your new addition to the family!
    You’ll be alone for a week? Whoops of encouragement! And safe travels to Jack! xx


  11. what a cutie !! I hope he’ll give you lots of fun !!!


  12. Congratulations on getting your big wheels back – wishing you many happy road trips ahead.


  13. Toni

    I have had Toyota’s too but now I have the I30 as it was cheaper fuel economy also we got a real good deal for it and they are still selling for more than what we bought it for. We liked the fixed price service 10 year warranty and road service with RACQ. also we get a replacement car when we get our yearly service. It also seemed to handle better than the corolla we took for a test drive also there was more room in the I 30. I love my Hyundai, I still miss my Camry but it was sentimental reasons as it was my fathers car and I bought it out of the inheritance. I don’t miss the high petrol bills. I am coming up for my first service next month as I have had it for 12 months. have organised my replacement car for while mine is in getting serviced. hard to believe its nearly 12 months. Enjoy your Toyota looks good,


    • Hi Toni it really was a toss up between the 2 for us, but the clinching factor was we got this Toyota nearly $2000 below market value…


      • Toni

        I’m sure your going to enjoy your car, They are to get us from A to B and hope they dont break down. they are all made from the same factory these days buy the looks of them. You will be able to show it off when you come to the next meeting for ROL if I’m there. have fun


  14. Congratulations. I’m amazed that you enjoy the research and hunting – I loathe this phase, which is probably why I make less than wise decisions. I’m eager to hear what you call … her? him? And of course about the adventures you have together.

    I owned one of the first Corollas, my first car in 1967, $1700, fully imported. First trip, Broken Hill and Mootwingee. I’d owned the car longer than I’d had my licence. It died after we moved down here, probably worn out under the strain of a roof rack loaded with cauliflowers and an interior packed with corn, beans, capsicum, tomatoes and zucchini in our market gardening days. My Queensland son also does Toyota and nearly disowned me when I bought a Hyundai and then a Barina. Finally succumbed and drive a Yaris, now neatly packed for 8 weeks and three modes of travel (camping, working and classy).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes it is a difficult decision with cars, especially 2nd hand as you have to be so careful. I think this one is genuine. I can remember getting a new Hillman Hunter around the mid 60’s and we had to order it (in NZ) and then wait about 3-4 months for delivery… I’m looking forward to this next phase of our adventures, probably more short distance trips as we left most of the area around this part of Australia and concentrated on exploring further a field with Matilda. I’ve only been out in the Corolla a couple of times so can’t yet decide whether it is a he or she.
      One place I have on the list is Broken Hill. What is the best time to be there?
      Your 8 week adventure sounds varied and fun will look forward to hearing about it when you have the internet and the time. Travel safe….


      • Late spring and early autumn would be my pick for BH. We’re possibly heading there after Liston, if the call of home isn’t too strong. Sorry. You asked me that before and the question got lost in the space that is my brain.


      • Aren’t all cars female? Like ships? Your new one looks lovely – so shiny and clean and ready for adventures I’m sure. I’ve only had three cars (late learning to drive) a Peugeot called George (but definitely female), a citrus yellow Corsa (Opel) called Smurf and now a VW Jetta called Elsie (because her reg begins LC) which is the only nearly-new car I’ve owned and I love her, but not an easy car to reverse as she has a boot that I cannot see when driving. Makes it quite awkward on the narrow, single roads in Cornwall where you spend half your time reversing into a passing place! Have FUN ❤ ❤


        • Yes I think most cars are female, but the one we drove in WA was definitely male!!! Love the names you had for your cars. The previous owners had left it immaculate and with a full tank of petrol. Will have to go for a l—o—n—g drive to see what name suggestion pops up….


  15. Nicki carroll

    Very nice tidy car!! I bet you’ll have some good adventures with your new toy 😊


    • Hi good to hear from you Nicki. I think we got a bargain and I’m looking forward to some good outings in it.


  16. Excellent! Freedom!


  17. LOL – me and the car. I love that feeling. I always get a corolla when I hire a car for work and it’s a great little car. I’m sure you will love it! Congrats! Looking forward to hearing what you call her/him 😉


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