Fun and Games on Board…

Finding quiet moments on board a cruise liner are an option, but they have so many other options to keep every one amused that it is almost impossible to fit every thing into the day.

Here are a few of the things I enjoyed.

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Each day a computer workshop would be held to show how to do various things, usually quite basic. BUT they did not include any use of the internet. If you wanted to use internet connection it would cost US$55 for 100 minutes. The connection was very slow and unreliable so we all know how frustrating that would be… I didn’t connect with the internet for 14 days!!!!

The class is waiting for the tutor to arrive, notice what some are doing to fill in time????


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As I’ve mentioned the food was very good, and varied and regular cooking demonstrations were held. I went to a couple of them. After the demonstration we had samples to try. Yummy…


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This is the start of a dance class. The dance teachers, on the stage, very patiently took us through the basic steps of the samba, again and again. I have to admit that we just couldn’t get it. So when they had taken us through all the steps and then turned on the music we admitted defeat and just did our own bit of a boogie in the corner.

It was a competition and each session the best dancers, chosen by audience clapping, went on to the next round. On the last evening the finalists competed and the best couple won a cruise.


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If cards were your thing you could go along to this room and join in all different sessions.


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Are you a shopaholic? Then this is the place. A small shopping arcade and every time you bought any thing you received a raffle ticket. This is the scene at the big raffle draw…

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One of my favourites was the art auction.

Given a glass of bubbly and 20 minutes to wander round looking at the art. Any that interested you put a sticker on.

Just a small selection here. Then the auction began…

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It was a quick fire auction and some did get sold. I kept my hands firmly in my lap…


In the evenings the pace picked up with a choice of classical music played on the piano and violin.

Jack did this drawing of the pianist as I did not take a photo

Jack did this drawing of the pianist as I did not take a photo

There was also a piano bar playing popular tunes from the shows. A dance band in another area to dance the night away to. And BB King’s blues club.


Every night a different show was performed in the grand 3 level showroom. Singing, dancing, illusionist and my favourite was when our happy Indonesian staff performed a selection of songs and dances from their home country.

I did not take any photos of the showroom as the light was very dim, but Jack busily sketched away while we waited for the show to start.

These are just a small sample of the things to do.

Other things included an indoor and outdoor pool both heated with hot spars to soothe the aching muscles. The green room for massage, facials, hair care and all other things to pamper you (at a cost). The gym equipped with all modern equipment to keep you fit. And don’t forget we had to walk 3 times a day to the restaurant of choice for our meals.


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If it all became a bit too much you could just laze around and read a book on your Kindle.

But that’s not all… Most days we woke up to find we had docked at another port to explore…


To be continued….

Categories: cruise, Oosterdam, travel | Tags: , , | 33 Comments

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33 thoughts on “Fun and Games on Board…

  1. Well illustrated post Pauline it covered most of the activity and the non activity showen in the last photo.


  2. I think Jack’s sketches are the most soulful part of the whole wonderful experience.


  3. Pingback: Majestic Milford Sounds | gypsy life

  4. So PP how long are you here for ? Maybe we can have a catch up ?


    • That would be really lovely Jo, but we only have 4 days left and have a couple of friends over in Te Aroha to visit during that time. Maybe next time…


  5. A great sense of the possibilities of life on board. Your photos and Jack’s sketches are great companions.


    • Plenty to choose from Meg, we certainly didn’t do everything. Passed on the Casino and shopping and didn’t go for massages etc. far to expensive. Meant to use the gym but some how that never happened!!!!
      Jack loves sketching and he has a book full of the daily life on board.


  6. So … it looks about as I envisioned a big cruise ship. I’m curious as to whether you LIKED it? Would you do it again?


    • I did enjoy the experience, it was different to how I usually travel and I like to try different things. BUT would I do it again? For total relaxation and a laid back sort of experience it had its merits and it was ok for a short holiday break, but I would not choose this way of travel if I wanted to see a country all a bit too structured for me. So it has maybe been a one off experience.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Vanessa Caldwell

    Love the last photos of you guys lazing around LOL


  8. I didn’t tell you whoppers did I PP – glad you enjoyed your time onboard 🙂
    Now I’m green wih envy and wishing the next 12 months away. Next cruise April 2016!


  9. Phew, you’ll need a holiday to recover! Love that photo of Milford Sound from on board. And Jack’s sketches really are great. My favourite is the piano player.


  10. looking forward to the “to be continued”- and jack’s drawings inserted added that nice feel – and the whole thing really gives us a feel for cruises – thanks P – and are some of them playing solitaire on the computer while they wait???


    • They certainly were into solitaire.


      • my mom said that game was (is) addicting


        • It is VERY addictive (from one who knows!!!)


          • ha! yeah my mom had to “fast” from it about 7 years ago – she forced herself to take a month off and it broke it for her- – she also did that with potato chips once – and hey – she found a way to keep thing in balance – lol


            • WOW 7 years!!! That is being very determined…


              • oh no – she only fasted a month (sorry about the confusion) but it was 7 years ago – back in 2008 – and she was playing a lot of solitaire and I just remember here fasting for 30 days and it broke the addiction. My mom is funny (but smart) with her strategies and coping. for example, one time when we were growing up – she wanted to stop saying this certain phrase (not a swear word – but something she said too much) and she gave each of her kids a quarter every time she said it – well that started adding up and within a few days it was extinguished. ha!


                • I bet you were all very diligent to listening to what she said too. Maybe that was her hidden agenda!!!! Smart woman your Mum…


                • well not perfect (who is, right?) but perfect for me and what I needed – 🙂 and I am grateful she is still here. anyhow, looking forward to other cruise photos and posts
                  have a great day P

                  Liked by 1 person

  11. Jack’s sketches are great!


  12. poppytump

    Love the idea of cookery demos and the dance class Pauline … and chilling out in the piano lounge bar would be lovely . Smiling at you and Jack doing your own boogie in the corner 🙂
    Jack’s sketches are a really nice reminder of your nights at the theatre !


    • There was certainly plenty to do, but then you could choose to just do nothing and many people seemed to just be laying back on one of the many chairs and loungers and just taking life easy. I guess that is what cruising is all about, lots of choices…

      Liked by 1 person

  13. anny

    Thanks for the tour. Art tomorrow. I will fill the class in with your exploits.


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