Weekly Photo Challenge : Sunrise from on the ocean…

On board a cruise liner there are almost 2000 other people sharing the space, plus another 800 staff.

But it is still possible to find a place to be alone, especially early in the morning as the sun rises. As Brie Anne says “almost everyone overlooks the early mornings“.  

To just appreciate the beauty of the surroundings and marvel at having an opportunity to listen to the pulse of the ocean, I would go up on to the Promenade Deck and watch the sun rise.  I did not get up early every morning, after all I am on a cruise! Some days were overcast when I peered through the porthole and then I would snuggle back down under the blankets.

There were 2 outstanding sunrises and one was the as we sailed into Tauranga. 

Tauranga PC 004_4000x3000

This is the glorious sunrise as we sailed into Tauranga.

Tauranga PC 005_4000x3000


The other one was quite different, no big blaze of glory but shafts of light (Crepuscular rays) that radiated from behind the clouds to highlight the misty outline of the distant hills. A gentle and gradual awakening of the day.

Akaroa Giart house garden PC 011_4000x3000

Akaroa Giart house garden PC 006_4000x3000

Akaroa Giart house garden PC 015_4000x3000

Akaroa Giart house garden PC 013_4000x3000

There are so many things to keep you occupied on a cruise but it is these quiet moments that will live in my memory.

Categories: Mt Maunganui, New Zealand, Ocean, photos, sunrise, Tauranga, Weekly photo challenge | Tags: , , , , | 34 Comments

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34 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge : Sunrise from on the ocean…

  1. I love those magical shafts of light, Pauline. I’m not at all fond of crowds so I would need this sanctuary too. 🙂


  2. poppytump

    Lovely reflecting time for you Pauline … A vibrant start to the day .. as you pull in to a new port . Exciting !


  3. Beautiful way to start the day, Pauline!


  4. Hi pomme – I have been thinking about you all week – and I needed to get over to see you. I also gave someone a big box of borax yesterday and thought of you again!!! ha!

    anyhow, I love your post here – it has been like an early morning breeze – words and pics.

    the first photo – in the reader – well it was the tree that stood out most. so unusual and each line of the those tall verticals seemed to pull me into the orange more. then the boats and other stuff come into view – it is a photo I could look at for a long time – and then reading it was on deck – oh cool – hope your trip went (or is) going awesome. I need to get the scoop – anyhow, have a great day and TTYS


  5. I would enjoy seeing these as well as being up early before everyone else was about.



  6. Simply beautiful. The first one equals a sunset, we get sunrises like that in wintertime.


  7. Fantastic skies Pauline, and Tauranga, the lovely Jo Bryant is near there!


    • Thanks for dropping by Gilly. Yes Jo is just along the coast from here. Not many posts from her these days, hope all is well…


  8. There’s nothing quite like a sunrise over the ocean. Beautiful captures, Pauline. 🙂


  9. Lovely sunrises, Pauline, and I like the fact that it is possible to get quiet time on a cruise!


  10. Nicest time of day except for sun sets, starry night and moonlight.
    In between these spectacular times there is a lot of really beautiful times.
    You manage to record them all for everyone to enjoy.


  11. Anonymous

    super photos –are you on a cruise –well obviously you are –i mean where to


    • Thank you for leaving a comment. We cruised from Sydney, Australia to Auckland New Zealand and it took us 14 very interesting days


  12. Sunrises seem to love you as much as you love them! Splendid photos. I’ve heard the crepuscular rays referred to as the fingers of god. (Any tips on keeping up with blogging as you travel? I have an unmanageable herd of unwritten posts.)


    • Oh I know all about that unmanageable herd Meg, sorry no tips, I’m now catching up after the event and enjoying reliving the journey. Also I miss visiting all my blogging friends while travelling so I now have lots of stories to catch up on… I’ll be over soon to visit you. Where are you now?


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