Black and White 5 Day Challenge : #4

Well I am really getting my teeth into this challenge, so today I am going to play around with a series of photos taken in 2012 at the jazz and vintage car festival in Tauranga New Zealand. (click on the link to go to a post I did back then)

family photos 018

I’ve decided to try people in black and White.

The era of jive was alive and kicking at the festival. I caught this couple dancing in the streets to a jazz quartet.

village jazz jc 004

The music created a happy vibe.

jazz tauranga jc 106 b&w

This group combined their music with a ride in a vintage car.

jazz tauranga jc 085

The vintage car owners all dressed the part and the sun shone on the parade.

jazz tauranga jc 066

I don’t know who is the oldest, the driver or the car…

jazz tauranga jc 083 sepia

Finally I have put these 3 photos in different styles. They must’ve been so hot in those fur capes on a sunny, hot New Zealand summer day, but they looked the part.


Gwennie of “Gwennie’s Garden” has invited me to join in. I love to visit Gwennie, her blog is filled with gorgeous photos of flowers and succulents from her garden and interspersed with stories of her travels. Well worth a visit.

There are only two rules for this challenge:

1. On 5 consecutive days, create a post using either a past or recent photo in B&W.
2. Each day invite another blog friend to join in the fun.

Today I would like to nominate Dawn of “The day after” for this challenge, but only if you have the time Dawn. Dawn is a prolific blogger and loves both words and photography. The short stories and articles she does for the various challenges are worth popping over to read and her photos are always amazing. As well as those interests she runs 2  monthly challenges, “lingering look at Architecture” and “lingering look at windows” check them out, you may like to join in.

Categories: 5 day b & w challenge, black and white, Jazz festival, New Zealand, photos, Tauranga | Tags: , , , , | 39 Comments

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39 thoughts on “Black and White 5 Day Challenge : #4

  1. Pingback: Black and White Photography Challenge: Day #4 | Jill's Scene

  2. Your portrait photos have come out so well in B&W, Pauline. I think they’re among the best in the series. Especially the one of the young couple dancing and the gentleman with the double bass. They look like they’re having so much fun!


  3. these are fun !!!


  4. Lovely pictures… I like the era too…


  5. Your people pics are great in B&W, Pauline. I especially love the first two. 🙂


  6. These are so perfect for black and white! I’ve already been nominated for this challenge but I will link up with you in at least one of mine!


  7. They look so authentic in black and white, Pauline! 🙂 Especially love the movement in that first one. What a great shot!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It doesn’t make sense that black and white shots look more alive than colour but that’s how it seems to me! Thanks to the link to Tauranga, my Kiwi blogging bestie, Jo Bryant, wrote and photographed it a lot so it was lovely to have another connection with somewhere so far away!


    • I followed Jo too. I hope she is ok as she has not been posting for a while now. That is an interesting comment and I agree with you, I never thought I would before I started converting them, I think it is because it stripping out the colour brings them back to the essence of the photo.


  9. Good photos PP. Love the first one and the sepia tint on the last one. As you have said, editing in black and white is more challenging than you’d first think, but I am enjoying the challenge too.


  10. Great pics again, especially liked the first and last. Incredible the difference that B&W and a little cropping makes. Not enough time in the day!


    • Thanks for commenting. Yes it is time consuming, I don’t watch much TV these days as I find it is more interesting reading blogs and playing with photos…

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Wearing REAL fur? Nooooo! Disgusting.


    • I’m not sure, it looked real, I didn’t ask, they used to wear animal skins back then in the 1930’s and 40’s I remember my Mother had a real fox fur cape that had it’s head and tail on. As a young child it fascinated me. Back then they were the height of fashion,,,


      • But now we know of better and those who love animals do not wear fur. They would have had a lecture from me.


      • I notice the lady in the car photo has a fox(?) fur – complete with head! As these are so obviously antiques (or maybe even fakes) I can’t get too bothered about it. After all this is an enactment of the times. [Not that I’d wear fur myself you understand 🙂 ]


        • I am always amazed at how authentic these vintage car people dressed to match in with the era of their vehicle. I certainly wouldn’t be wearing any fur, fake or otherwise, over here…


  12. A wonderful post: b&w is superb, and that sepia one is absolutely right. I’ll be sorry to see the end of your participation in this challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. These photo’s are perfect for this challenge!


  14. Pretty jazzy 😉 and I enjoyed your editing forays in the last photo.



  15. Great choices.


  16. Love these photos……..the first one is so good!


  17. These just needed to be black and white. Perfect. And that last shot is wonderful!


  18. I definitely am liking your BW photos!


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