Southern Beauty

The scenery along this south-west coast of Western Australia is spectacular. The Indian Ocean pounds the ruggedly beautiful coastline creating huge swells and the wind whips the tops into a frenzy of spray.

The wild Indian Ocean

The wild Indian Ocean

Busselton To Yalling up PC x35 101_4000x3000 surf

Sugarloaf rock

Sugarloaf rock is tucked into a more sheltered bay.


Once 30 birds would breed here, now only a few are left.

Once 30 birds would breed here, now only a few are left.

The unusual Grass tree is prolific in this area. The grass tree Xanthorrhoea is a uniquely Australian plant, which epitomises the Australian landscape and is as tough as goats’ knees. It will withstand drought. Bushfires will burn the foliage and blacken the stump, but then it regrows. In fact often a bushfire will encourage flower development.

The grass tree

The grass tree

They were once known as "Black boys" but that is now politically incorrect.

They were once known as “Black boys” but that is now politically incorrect.

This area is renowned for its magnificent forests. The strange-sounding Tingle trees, the mighty Karri and Marri trees tower above as we drive through them. Four years ago we went on the tree-top walk to visit that experience click here.

Denmark to Manjimup x12 006_3734x2818

Busselton To Yalling up PC x35 006_3000x4000

The scenery changes as we move inland from the coast. The land becomes farming country, the trees have been cleared and the pasture is the most vivid green. It rivals the scenery of New Zealand.

The long shadows of the golden hour create a magical scene

The long shadows of the golden hour create a magical scene

The wine industry of this area is world-famous and you cannot drive through without seeing the many vineyards. As winter approaches they are changing into the autumn foliage, the grapes have all been harvested and next years vintage is being produced.

The vineyards

The vineyards

This night we will spend in a caravan park at Yallingup and take a last stroll across the road to watch the sunset across the Indian Ocean.

Busselton To Yalling up PC x35 141_4000x3000

and the moon rise

and the moon rise



Categories: Australia, Western Australia | Tags: , , | 17 Comments

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17 thoughts on “Southern Beauty

  1. There is so much beauty.. All we need do is but look… Thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. There is something so big that always comes across in photos of Australia…even if it is a small grass tree. Thanks Pauline for letting me smell and taste home again.


  3. That Indian Ocean looks pretty special, Pauline, and WHAT a sunset 🙂
    Thanks for sharing.


    • I look out over this ocean Jo and think of all the history it has brought to these shores. It is awesome in its splendour


  4. poppytump

    Above the roar in my ears from the ocean there Pauline I’m shouting out to you >>>> Love the green velvet grass in the golden hour and the sunset is just … well , you wouldn’t have wanted to miss that for sure !
    I bet you’re busy exploring Canberra and around clicking your shutter like there’s no tomorrow 🙂


    • The ocean was certainly roaring that day Poppy, quite awesome. Weather not too good at the moment for too much exploring, I’m still acclimatizing, not been in weather this cool for a long time, we usually go north in the winter over here…


  5. Your photos are gorgeous! What I remember most about the south-western corner of Oz is the smell of some of the karri wattle trees – like cat pee!! Absolutely dreadful!

    Be sure to visit the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra PP. Which part of Canberra are you staying in?


    • That smell is very much like cat pee Jude, not very pleasant… 😦

      We have already been once to the National Gallery but will need a few more visits to see it all. We are in Watson a lovely rustic area lovely mature trees every where.


  6. beautifully written and photographed~


  7. i’m home with slow internet, and unfortunately for me, the images will not load! i’ll have to use my imagination until i can plug into faster connections!



    • Thank you for calling by Lisa, good to have your company. Internet connections were a problem as I travelled around this area, but now I am in Canberra and, as would be expected in the countries capital, it is all systems go again and I am able to catch up with every one.


  8. Lyn

    Hi Pauline, lovely to see your blogs again after the break. Your photos are magnificent and your captions are pure poetry. Love to you both Lyn/david


  9. Great photos Pauline but we can never recreate the wonder of those experiences.


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