Lingering Look at Windows : Sky High


The man from Snowy River

The man from Snowy River

These photos were taken during a recent visit to Broadbeach a near by shopping centre and a very popular tourist attraction. Lots to see and do, the Casino is just down the road and in the other direction is the beach. Then of course there is the shopping. This is just one of the Malls you can browse around. Niecon Plaza has this larger than life sculpture of the “Man from Snowy River” with the full poem engraved along the side.

The ceiling is all windows that let in light but also the towering hi-rise apartments can be seen peering into the Plaza.

Neicon Plaza

Niecon Plaza


The ultra modern "Wave Building"

The ultra modern “Wave Building”


Dawn from “The day after” challenges us to look for windows and post them here each week. Maybe you have some you can show us.

Visit here to look through more windows from around the world.  


“The Man From Snowy River” is a classic Aussie poem and I have found this wonderful, blood stirring video on YouTube. I hope you enjoy it…

Categories: Australia, Goldcoast, Lingering look at windows, photos, video | Tags: , , , , , , | 25 Comments

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25 thoughts on “Lingering Look at Windows : Sky High

  1. Much more fun taking photos than shopping! 🙂 That first “ride em cowboy” shot is brilliant.


  2. How magnificent!


  3. Joan and Terry Watson

    The photos certainly do the shopping centre justice as when we go there I only see the shopping centre, and do not like it, I will open my eyes and go again,We have seen the movie.


  4. Best show of horsemanship ever filmed. No one rides in balance like the men they got to pull the scenes off in the Snowy River movies. Thanks for sharing it, especially while I’m freezing up north and it’s too cold to ride my own horse. You’ve put a smile on my face.


    • That was an amazing film. I agree the horsemanship is second to non. Did you see the film? I’m pleased I have made you smile in the middle of your grim winter. Your horse is going to be very frisky when you eventually get out.


      • I’ve watched both of them several times. Always make me teary eyed. Wish I could afford to travel down under and actual ride into those mountains. I remember reading he didn’t even know how to ride before he got the got the part. He must been a great student with an amazing teacher.


        • I think I read some where that down hill take was done in one take. You wouldn’t want to do that ride too often would you…


  5. Excellent!


  6. I absolutely love the man from snowy river sculpture – amazing! 😀


  7. Love the poem, Pommepal, and that shopping mall is so amazing. The horse and rider sculpture is magnificent. 🙂


  8. Wonderful waves, but even more wonderful that poem. The Snowy Mountains are magnificent – have you been there PP?


  9. poppytump

    * Whoa what a great rousing way to properly wake up this morning and avoid any chores for a moment PP ! Hats off to The Man from Snowy River .. love seeing wild horses on the run…
    That ‘ wave ‘ building is fascinating !


    • Good morning Poppy, pleased you enjoyed that poem and film segment. It was from the film “Man from Snowy River” that was filmed quite a while back, don’t know if it ever got to UK as it was made in Australia. Great film and one of my favourite poems. Do you know Banjo Patterson, (not personally of course as he’s dead now, ha ha) He’s a great prolific Aussie poet, one of his most famous was “waltzing Matilda”


  10. one of my favourite Aussie poems, and imagine, you have shown me one good thing about a shopping centre … sculpture!


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