Harvest time then heading home.

Just look at these beautiful Russian Red tomatoes

Just look at these beautiful Russian Red tomatoes

It has been a productive and enjoyable 3 months staying here and for the past few weeks we have enjoyed the fruits of our labours. The garden has flourished and I have had fresh vegetables from the garden every day. Beans by the bucket full, silverbeet, lettuce, radish, carrots, celery, zucchini and tomatoes. Lyn had planted 6 different varieties before we arrived and I have nurtured them and just look at these beauties. They are a variety called Russian Red and they are the most delicious tasting tomatoes I have ever eaten. They are juicy and thin-skinned and give a burst of rich tomatoe flavour. They taste like summer.

6 different types of tomatoes

6 different types of tomatoes, can you spot them all?

Lyn and David arrived home from their adventures on the weekend and we have spent 3 delightful days swapping travel stories and sharing meals together, But now it is time to head home.

Matilda is packed and today we head south. It is going to be a slower journey than the trip here, the weather is hotter and we do not have a time frame so we will meander back 2000 kilometres and possibly take about 2 to 3 weeks depending on what discoveries we make on the way.

Internet connections will be sporadic so you may not hear from me for a while so until I reach home “Cheerio” to you all….


Categories: Australia, garden, house sitting, photos, tomatoes | Tags: , , , , , , | 15 Comments

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15 thoughts on “Harvest time then heading home.

  1. Pingback: Garden Makeover | gypsy life

  2. Arrrh nice, I read this when it came in via my phone it was minus the pictures and wow, look at those tomatoes Wonderful…. I guess I am a little envious of your nomad spirit as deep down I think I could have easily embraced such an existence…
    But I am happy with my roots and its so lovely to read about your’s and Jacks travels, you are such a wonderful delight to have met upon the cyber space …
    Take care upon your travels and sending you both much love and Blessings
    From a Dreamwalker may the Force always be with you two! 😉 xxx


  3. The size of those tomatoe’s are brilliant. I haven’t seen or heard of Russian Red Tomatoe’s before.
    Safe travel home.


  4. oh my! everything looks absolutely wonderful! making me hungry just looking at the pics!


  5. poppytump

    Enjoy your meanderings homeward bound PP Jack and Matilda !
    Catch up when you can ….


    • G’day Poppy, well I wasn’t out of the cyber link long was I? 205 kilometres today and we are in a caravan park right on the coast at a place called Cardwell with free internet connection so I have not been deprived of my blogging community connections


  6. Have a wonderful and safe trip home. Those veggies look marvellous. What wonderful housesitters you and Jack are. You even do the gardening. 🙂


  7. You and Jack rock ma deah! Have an excellent journey and I look forward to hearing about it when you can post! Safe travels~


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