Travel Theme : Relaxing

Relaxing with a good book

Relaxing with a good book

I love to travel, but it is actually quite hard work. I’m sure any one who has travelled for long periods of time in a small camper van or trailer will agree. Finding some where to set up camp, organizing your space, cooking meals, day-to-day chores in a  different environment, deciding where to go next day. Not to mention finding a connection for phone and computer to keep in contact with family and friends and of course the blogging community.

But I love the challenge.

It is not all work and no play and plenty of time is found to relax.

Relaxed after the chores are done in a freedom camping area

Relaxed after the chores are done in a freedom camping area


"Happy hour" perfect way to relax after an interesting day of discovery and adventure

“Happy hour” perfect way to relax after an interesting day of discovery and adventure. Cheers!!!



For the ultimate lesson in relaxation you only have to look at a cat. They are the epitome of relaxation, to them it is an art form. I’m experiencing this first hand as at the moment I am sharing a house with 6 cats. 5 of them are ragdolls and they are laid back and quiet with a very placid disposition.

Sleep is the ultimate relaxation so "goodnight". Sharing my bed

Sleep is the ultimate relaxation so “goodnight”. Sharing my bed with some of the feline family.


What a great theme Ailsa has given us this week. Go to her post at “Where’s my backpack?” to discover all the many ways bloggers around the world are relaxing.


Categories: photos, Ragdoll cats, relaxing, travel theme | Tags: , , , | 38 Comments

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38 thoughts on “Travel Theme : Relaxing

  1. oh, these photos of the felines are wonderful! thanks for this fun post! lisa/z


  2. Oh, my wow, this is gorgeous 😉 the cats are genuinely beautiful and the first photos are amazing! 🙂


  3. Nothing beats putting your feet up with a good book, and as for those cats, having kept cats on an off all my life they have cornered the market in RE-laxation… 🙂


  4. Absolutely true about looking to cats for instructions on how to relax. They are inspiring!


  5. All that fluff! It’s just wonderful!


  6. So schöne Fotos grüße dich mal lieb und wünsche dir einen glücklichen Tag lieber Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde


  7. Pingback: Travel theme: Relaxing (2) | Processing the life

  8. Oh this looks like heaven and most relaxing!! Quite the life! I had a cat named Truman whom I loved who looked just like the siamese! So smart!!


    • I love the slow and easy way to travel with plenty of relax time Cindy. A bit different style of travel now I am in my 7th decade, but still good… 🙂


  9. Great pics for the theme, Pommepal. Those cats are the very epitome of relaxation. :cool:.


  10. For a moment I thought you had your leg in a splint, when I looked at that first shot! But then I looked again 🙂 That would have been enforced R & R.


  11. Good books are always good…but those cats are really relaxing – no one relaxes like fourlegged ones!


  12. I can understand why you’ll miss your feline companions


  13. poppytump

    Blissful relaxation PP … Sigh …
    You are going to miss those Ragdolls !


  14. ♥ Relaxing photographs and blog 😀


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