Lingering Look at Windows : Colonial Style

Hobart is a city that oozes colonial charm. Especially around Battery Point.

The citizens have fought to preserve the past in this area. When bureaucracy would tear down the old to replace them with modern, sterile units the residents protested, they gathered support with petitions and they won. (read my previous post, click here)

This week I have chosen to show you a gallery of windows I have taken in the Battery Point area. As I wandered around I felt I had been transported back into another era. I hope I have captured that atmosphere.



Each week on Thursday Dawn of “the day after” asks that we post photos of windows we have come across. Having this weekly challenge opens your eyes to the amazing type and style of windows you can find. See what you can find, you may like to show them off in this challenge.

Categories: Australia, Battery Point, Hobart, Lingering look at windows, photos, Tasmania | Tags: , , , , | 35 Comments

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35 thoughts on “Lingering Look at Windows : Colonial Style

  1. snapitures

    I’m so glad they’ve fought a good fight – I wish my city would fight harder to preserve some of the history it’s let go of in the name of progress. Thanks for sharing these wonderful images!


    • The people in this state of Tasmania have fought and won to stop a dam being built and to stop the logging of old growth native forests, they are passionate about their land


  2. Great gallery!


  3. You have really captured the windows and thanks for the reblog.


  4. I love this post, beautiful eye for detail!


  5. poppytump

    Splendid selection PP ! As you say, brilliant that people have campaigned to keep old traditional style and they obviously keep them in really good order from wrought iron to picket fencing, shutters to stained glass …wonderful !


    • Thanks Poppy, every cottage was lovingly cared for I didn’t see one that needed TLC and all kept in heritage style


  6. These houses are fantastic! I find it so difficult (and sad) to think anyone would want to replace them with modern dreck . . . I’m so glad the residents won out! Thanks for sharing; I love your photos! ~ Linne


    • Thanks Linne, the people of Tasmania seem to be very passionate about their country, over the years they have campainged to save forests and rivers from the developers and won the battles. Hurray for people power…


  7. how great that the residents stood up for the integrity of the neighborhood! yay! beautiful post!


    • Tasmania is only a small state but the people really care about the enviroment and heritage etc and they have stood up to stop the old forests being logged and dams being built in sensitive areas. It is good to see as most of Australia is being raped by big business


  8. I had a VERY close look at all of these. I’m choosing windows at the moment for my place and there is a great array here! 😀


  9. There are some beautiful houses there


  10. Beautiful photos! Beautiful buildings!


  11. What a charming collection of windows – and architecture! Like you, I love taking photos of bits and pieces of buildings – doors, gates and chimneys. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos. All the best, Terri


  12. Madoqua

    You have done a good job collecting these. They complement each other well and are a nice diverse collection.


  13. Love the collage!


  14. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows Week 18 | SC Surf Butler

  15. I love these – and the colours of the houses in general!
    I’ve taken a bunch of pics of windows in Toledo (Spain) where I live. A tad ‘rustic’, some of them… 😉


    • WOW they are fantastic, so colourful and such happy colours. I love the “rustic look”


      • Apparently, Toledo has the largest historic town centre of any European city… so there’s lots of ‘rustic’ gracing my blog, lol.
        A few years ago, they wanted to build a shopping centre and ended up unearthing a Roman Circus… the second largest ever found in Europe.


        • It is so sad when they demolish all the historic buildings just because they are “rustic” Thank goodness they found The Roman Circus to stop them in their tracks


  16. These are really lovely windows. It would be a shame to lose the individuality of these houses. They are definitely worth fighting for.


  17. Wow, you have outdone yourself this week!


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