Up and away, Tassie here we come….

It was 26 degrees, warm and sunny when we flew out of the Goldcoast. We felt quite conspicuous in our jerseys and carrying heavy jackets.

Sydney's iconic landmarks

Sydney’s iconic landmarks

Beautiful, clear and sunny as we flew into Sydney for a 40 minute wait and transfer to a flight on to Melbourne. Can you see the Harbour Bridge and Opera House?

At Melbourne the weather was overcast and a bit cooler. The cloud cover was low and it was starting to rain, so no photos from the plane this time. 2 hours later we were on the last lap to Hobart.

We looked at each other and shuddered as the pilot announced the ground temperature in Hobart is 8 degrees and raining….

When we landed at 4-30 it had stopped raining. We had our warm jackets on and actually did not think it was as cold as we had imagined (we have not felt 8 degrees for a long time, the body forgets).

The airport is small and even though 2 planes had landed at once Bertel was able to recognize us. After a short orientation drive around to get our bearings she whisked us off to our new home for the next 8 weeks.

The heaters were on, the house was warm and cosy and the dogs were welcoming. We felt instantly at home.





Next morning dawned unbelievably fine and sunny. The view from our bedroom window looked toward Mount Wellington and was framed by autumn leaves.

Henry bonded with Jack and  shared a morning moment with him.

Jack and Henry enjoy the sunshine

Jack and Henry enjoy the sunshine

Saying goodbye to Bertel

Saying goodbye to Bertel

Bertal left at 10am and to make the most of this glorious and unexpected weather we took off with the dogs to explore our new area.

The Derwent River runs by the end of the street and just 2 minutes walk and we are on the beautiful sandy beach. Ideal for dog walking.

Come and join us

Come and join us

Belerive Beach Mount Wellington in the background

Bellerive Beach Mount Wellington in the background

Belerive Beach

Bellerive Beach

We walked and we walked, to the end of the beach round to find a grocery store (we asked a local) Discovered an interesting historic village (didn’t get the name, but we will be back here again…) that was on the water front and next to the marina. Then we followed a walking/biking track back along the river.

The Marina (photo by Jack)

The Marina (photo by Jack)

Hobart CBD over the river Derwent

Hobart CBD over the river Derwent


It was now 1-30pm and we had meandered around for 3 hours when we spotted this fresh, clean-looking fish shop, right on the water front. What better place to stop for lunch.

Fish Bar

Fish Bar, $10-50 was enough for our lunch, 2 pieces “blue grenadine” fresh from the trawlers, and a generous serve of chips

Enjoying lunch

Enjoying lunch


Home was only another 15 minute walk. This is certainly a lovely area to be staying here for 8 weeks.

After a cuppa and a couple of hours rest we took the dogs out again just to go onto the beach to see the sunset. It was not a spectacular sunset but the light at that time, the golden hour, lit up the rocks at the other end of the beach.

Beautiful end to an interesting day….

Sunset Belerive beach

Sunset Bellerive beach










Categories: Australia, Hobart, house sitting, photos, Tasmania | Tags: , , , , | 42 Comments

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42 thoughts on “Up and away, Tassie here we come….

  1. So exciting! I can’t wait to catch up on your latest adventure!


  2. poppytump

    I’m starting at the beginning PP … catching up … 🙂


  3. Love your new companions! They are adorable. I am so envious (in a good way) that you are always so close to beaches. Your first tour was great. I’m excited to see another part of the world through your eyes, Pauline. 🙂


  4. Thanks for the photos! I’m going to enjoy following you around, even if only metaphorically (or should I say ‘virtually’??) . . . ~ Linne


  5. Reblogged this on A Random Harvest and commented:
    In case you want to know . . . no co-incidences! ~ Linne


  6. Great little snaphot of the local area. I’m very keen to visit Tassie. I look forward to reading your future posts.


    • I think this time we will just be seeing and living in Hobart. Save the rest for a later visit with the van, Matilda.


  7. Ahh! Fish and Chips, can’t beat it.


  8. Great photos! Sounds like a nice peaceful trip. We did Tassie in 2010. Loved it. That historic village near the marina wasn’t Salamanca Place, was it? They have a market there every weekend or month or something.


    • G’day Richard thank you for calling by and commenting. Salamanca place is on the other side of the river and we are looking forward to going there next Saturday. I have since found out it was Bellerive village I visited.


      • Ah, of course it is. There’s Mt Wellington in the back ground. I totally lost my bearings!
        I should know Bellerive. My son wanted to see some famous oval down there… 😉


        • They were having a BIG AFL match there, Blundstone Arena, this afternoon, thousands of fans in blue and white invaded the place


          • That’s right. That would have been North Melbourne and Port Adelaide! My cousin happened to see all the players chatting at Melbourne Airport last night. Would have been a nice cool day!


            • I’m not an AFL follower but we could hear the excited roars from the crowd as we walked the dogs along the beach. I beleive it was the last game for a year+ as they are closing it for renovations


  9. Lovely photos, as always! Thanks so much for keeping us current with your life events, as you’re always off to exotic places, meeting interesting folk. Glad Jack has a snuggly dog & isn’t too cold. Fireplace in your temp digs? Warm hugs, D’el


    • G’day D’el, thanks for the comment. No fireplace but very effective Daikon heater. The house is a compact design and easy to keep warm.


  10. This is so much fun to visit Hobart through you!! Lovely, just lovely!


  11. love seeing your trip, it looks like a beautiful place to stay for 8 weeks, and such darling dogs … 🙂


    • Thank you for commenting, I’m looking forward to exploring around Hobart and hoping for reasonable weather


  12. This is fantastic. I’ve never been to Tasmania. Thank you so much for the tour (looking forward to more) 😉


  13. Aw those doggies… so cute 🙂


  14. Toni

    Looks nice but couldn;t gvie up our nice warm weather for the cold. tomorrow going to be 28 they say. have fun T


    • Not as cold as the weather forecast makes it sound. It said we had rain today but It certainly didn’t rain where we are. Of course we have to wear warmer clothes…


  15. i wish was there and feel the beauty of nature


  16. ShaZam!!!! What a trip! You make a great tour guide!
    That final image is a stunner!


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