The Time Has Come : Award Appreciation Time…

While I have travelled over the past 4 months I was honoured to receive two awards from bloggers that have followed our road trip. I love this acknowledgement from fellow bloggers and appreciate that they have taken the time to let me know they are out there but also with me in cyberspace.

Now I have been very remiss in not following up immediately with a post to thank and acknowledge them. It is difficult when on the road to fit these important things in. Sometimes the internet connection is very slow or non-existent. Sometimes we travel long distances and at the end of the day the energy levels can just get me through the basic functions ie. setting up the van, having happy hour, meeting and greeting other travellers (very important) getting food, having a shower. Of course also have to do the site seeing of the area we are in.Then every day it is check through the days photos and post to the blog (if I can).

So you can see life on the road is very busy.

But now we have come to a full stop in Townsville while Matilda is waiting for surgery and I have time to thank these lovely bloggers….

So now, drum roll please…..

  Jo from Kindly nominated me for this award back in August.

Thank you Jo she has a lovely blog of very positive posts, photographs and some interesting  recipes. Well worth a look at..   Now the rules…

Display the award logo on your blog (done)

Link back to the person who nominated you (that would be you Jo…)(done)

State 7 things about yourself (wait for it…)

  • Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award and link to them (coming shortly)

Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the awards requirements

The 7 things….

  1. I have had 3 citizenships, born English, New Zealander for 37 years, Now an Aussie…
  2. Emigrated to New Zealand on my own when I was 18 to get married
  3. Still have a pommie accent
  4. I like to have a place for everything and everything in its place
  5. My favourite books are true life travel adventures.
  6. I would love to visit South America
  7. I had a heart attack in 2008

The bloggers I follow in no particular order…

There you have 10 very interesting and all quite different blogs. These are in my reader and I check regularly and look forward to their posts…


This second award came to me in September…

Eleenie from sent me this lovely award.Her delightful blog is about life and living in Bulgaria. Her dogs are a delight click on the link to see her posts…. Now the rules for this award

1. Provide a link and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award .(done)

2. Answer 10 questions.

3. Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.

4. Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know that they have been nominated.

5. Include the award logo within your blog post. (done)

The Questions….

Your favourite colour?  …………………………Yellow, it is the colour of sunshine and happiness

Your favourite animal?………………………… Horses, I love the majesty of them.

Your favourite non-alcoholic drink? …………Water

 Facebook or Twitter?…………………………………… No time for twitter.  

Your favourite pattern?………………………… Circles and curves 

Do you prefer getting or giving presents?…. Both  

Your favourite number?………………………… 2, it is such a friendly number

Your favourite day of the week?………………. Being retired and 70 every day I wake up is a favourite…. 

Your favourite flower?…………………………… Sunflower, so big and bold and yellow

What is your passion?……………………………. Travel, gardening and blogging…

Now for another 10 posts that I follow, again in no particular order….

I have taken all these 20 blogs from my “feeds” section (it is the button next to the favourite tab). So when you click on these links it will take you to the feed, you then have to click again to get to the blog. (I hope I have explained that OK)

I do not subscribe via e-mail to my favourites as when I am not able to check my inbox regularly it can get very over-loaded. So I RSS the ones I want to follow then I can look at them when it is convenient.

Categories: awards, travel | Tags: | 26 Comments

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26 thoughts on “The Time Has Come : Award Appreciation Time…

  1. Pingback: Thanking you all … | holistic complications

  2. I also want to visit South America! Congrats on the awards and happy travels. Thanks so much for nominating my blog. And please accept my tardiness in visiting — I was away from the computer last week.


    • Your blog deserves this award I look forward to all your travels. I know what you mean about the computer, every now and agaain we have to get away from it or it can rule our lives and become addictive…


  3. Congrats on the Reader Appreciation Award. It’s nice to see how far it’s gone since it’s inception. Have a great Sunday!


  4. well done you on these very deserved awards.


  5. Congratulations on both your awards, which you richly deserve! Love your blog, the gorgeous photos, and all the interesting facts you include.

    Thank you for including me in your list of Reader Appreciation blogs, which flummoxed me (hope that;s spelt properly). Will respond after this work crunch has subsided… but had to say ‘thank you’ right away!


  6. I liked reading your facts, any particular part of south america that you would like to see? I agree with you about the sunflowers, they’re just so gorgeous.


    • Machu Pichu looks just incredible in the photos, but I think I have left my run to late to get there. Don’t think either the legs or the heart or the finances will get me there in this life time…


  7. Thank you so much for the mention, Pommepal! I really enjoy reading your blog which is so interesting. I feel as though I’m traveling along side you.


  8. Congratulation, Pommepal. Very nicely done. Thanks so much for the nomination. It’s very interesting to find out more about you. 🙂


    • It is quite confronting to put facts out there, but I know I like to know a little bit of back ground of the people who’s blogs I follow


  9. Congratulations and thank you very much for remembering about my blog and the nomination!


  10. Congratulations and well deserved! I’ll be checking out all your links 😀


  11. Poet Kaylynté

    Congrats! 🙂


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