Wild, wild ocean

Surfers Paradise

There has been a very deep low building up off the coast for the past 2 days.Our normally mild blue ocean has been whipped into a frenzy of waves and foam. The spray from the top of the “white horses” breaks and waves like a mane. It is totally mesmerizing to watch it in this mood. Crowds of people line the shore with cameras and Iphones capturing nature in all its savage glory. No surfers are out today the ocean would pulverize anyone silly enough to try to compete for a ride.

It is not often our ocean gets this angry. A few years ago we had a tsunami warning. It didn’t develop, but that day crowds of people rushed to vantage points to watch what would happen. I was not one of those people… This time no tsunami warning, just very wild weather.

Wild ocean waves





Categories: Burleigh Beach, Ocean, photos | Tags: , , , | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “Wild, wild ocean

  1. After living in Australia for a mere 4 years in the 70’s it is so lovely to read your blog full of great writing and photographs. Congrats on your award you deserve it!!


    • I think Oz has changed alot since the 70’s. Still as beautiful but maybe a bit more civilised, it was very bogan and wild back then I have heard


  2. Pingback: A life long passion for horses « Memories are made of this

  3. Pingback: Pourquoi? A gift for moi? | holistic complications

  4. Hi Ric I feel really honoured that you have nominated me for this award. It keeps the wheels of the wordpress world keep turning. What goes around, comes around, thank you


  5. Hello! Because I found your blog really interesting, I nominated your blog for the Versatile blogger award, details can be found here http://blackhelios.wordpress.com/2012/06/12/surprise-surprise/, Thank you! Keep up your amazing blog entries!


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