Posts Tagged With: Artist’s with flair

Welcome to “Artist’s With Flair” Exhibition

I joined an inspiring art group in February. Along with an enthusiastic and talented collection of women with an aptitude for art, and Jack, our token and very talented male, and with Denise our tutor and mentor to guide us along the path of creating and experimenting with all different styles of painting. It is fun.

Denise has a background of art and for the past 4 years she has organised an annual exhibition to showcase her students art work and this year I am excited to be taking part in it. It is a new experience for me and I would like to invite you along to join in.

But first the preparation…

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It is rather a large area, will we have enough art to fill the walls? But first all the hangers have to be strung together and put in place.

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Elwyn is the tallest and has the job of putting up the hangers.

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All ready for viewing. Good team work.

Well done girls

Well done girls

Now we can go home, get changed and be ready for the 6pm opening.


The team arrive at 5-30pm with nibbles and drinks…

The door prize

The door prize an exclusive painting created by Denise.

Now we wait for the crowds to arrive and have a drink of wine while we wait.

Then people start to wander in. What a lovely feeling to have visitors interested to see what we have all been doing.

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Time to draw the door prize and Jack is invited to pick out the winning ticket

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The delighted winners give Denise a hug.

Jack finds a couple of friends, maybe he is trying to persuade them to come to classes!

Jack finds a couple of friends they are all born in 1932 within 3 weeks of each other, maybe he is trying to persuade them to come to classes!

A few of the paintings sold, and I was delighted that 2 of mine sold.

I hope you have enjoyed your virtual visit to our exhibition. It was a fun evening of nibbling, drinking and chatting. Now I am hooked and will start creating more paintings for next year…

Categories: art exhibition, Artist's with flair, photos | Tags: , , | 30 Comments

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