
Wild Weekly Photo Challenge : Overlooked

The on line travel blog “Let’s be wild” has challenged us this week to look more closely at the world around us and record things that are often “overlooked”.

I love looking for the detail in photos, the patterns and colours amaze me. So I hope you enjoy looking closely at my world…

Frangipani with raindrops

Let  the rain kiss you.

Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. 

Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
Langston Hughes



More fungus

The fungus works its magic on the damp forest floor turning debris to a rich life-giving compost.

Look closely at the patterns and colours on these often over-looked beauties.


Scribbly gum

The scribbly dialect, which zigzags around in a seemingly random and indecipherable pattern, found its place in Australian literature and culture. Yet the cause of the scribbles has always been somewhat of a mystery. They are old and dry with no sign of their creator, no ‘graffiti tag’ to identify the artist. How and why are they on the trees? What creature is responsible? (click here to read the fascinating story of the creator of the scribbles)


shark bay

Tallangatta Hume sun set on water

The  sea, once it casts its spell,

holds one in its net of wonder  forever.
Jacques  Yves Cousteau

Palm fronds

The wonder and beauty of new life unfurling is part of nature’s magic.


dew drops and cobwebs

Look closely, in the early morning mist these seed heads are weighed down by dew-drops.

Look closer and you will see the fine threads of the spider’s web.

Early morning dew and mist


Look into my eyes

Finally, have you ever gazed into the beautiful eyes of an ostrich and wished you could have eyelashes like that.


Categories: overlooked, photos, Wild Weekly Photo Challenge | Tags: , , | 28 Comments

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