7 Day Nature Photo : Day 1 a walk in the National Park

I have been nominated by Gilly (Lucid Gypsy) to join this latest challenge that is doing the rounds. 7 consecutive days posting a nature photo, could I manage that? Then Sue (Wordsvisual) showed me the way by combining it with other challenges I enjoy doing. So for day 1 I am combining it with “Jo’s Monday walk”.

The second part of the challenge is to nominate another blogging buddy to join in. So today I would like to invite Ruth (Ruth’s arc) to join in.

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It is 5-30 and I have biked down to Burleigh Heads in the pre-dawn to watch the sunrise over the ocean from the Burleigh Heads National Park. The track winds along beside the ocean and I find a good position to wait for the moment the sun makes its appearance.

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Here it is in all its glory bathing the ocean in a blood-red glow

This is a popular jogging track as it is one of the few hills around this area for runners to test themselves on.

Going up

Going up

But I prefer to saunter along, taking my camera for a walk with me gives me an excuse to go slow and absorb the sights and sounds around me. (actually I am well past the jogging stage of life!)

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It is a narrow track and at this time of the morning the rays of the sun angle through the trees lighting up the volcanic rocks.

Before leaving the ocean track I take a side track down to see what is happening along the banks of the Tallebudgera River.

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It is so peaceful and this young woman sits and meditates.

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While another group move in a graceful swaying motion, almost hypnotic to watch them.

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The river along this part of the beach is also busy. Stand up paddle boarding is the current craze. Small tinnies zip by taking the fishermen out to try their luck in the ocean.

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The weather is perfect for swimming watched over by the lifeguards.

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I now branch away from the ocean track and head up the hill along the rainforest track. The vegetation changes, this park features rainforest, eucalypt forest, Pandanus groves, tussock grassland, coastal heath and mangroves.

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This bush turkey is quite unconcerned by the runners and walkers and just saunters along at his own speed. It seems to be a good year for these birds as there are far more than I have seen before.

 Six-sided basalt columns line the track were they have come to rest millions of years ago.

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 I explore the Rainforest circuit, wandering through a living museum of plants.

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It is  steep on this part of the track but I take it gently. There are benches at regular intervals and this one is right at the top.

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Look at the view all the way south to Coolangatta. Not so many hi-rise buildings on this part of the coast…

View from the top of the track

View from the top of the track

But the serious runners are not looking at the view, this is a good place to stretch the legs before the run down the other side.

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Some of the rocks are quite unstable and when there is heavy rain part of the track is closed for safety reasons,

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No danger today and now I am getting close to the bottom of the track. The road is in sight but lots of steps to negotiate. The serious runners make good use of these pounding up and down them and I have to keep standing to one side to let them past.

Going down

Now I can see the ocean again.

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I’ve been almost an hour going round the circuit. The light has changed, not so good for photography now.

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Hardly any surf, but still some surfers wait hopefully for some action and this photographer is waiting for action too…

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While others sit and watch the ocean, drink a cup of coffee, take the dog for a walk, bike and play with the children. Some people have to work and it is good to see the council workers keeping the place clean.

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I wonder if this surfer caught any waves…

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Well it is now time to head back home for breakfast.


Ever Restless Jo encourages us with her energetic walks each week and a great band of world-wide walkers join her. Pop over to see where they are all taking us this week.

Categories: Australia, Burleigh Heads National Park, Jo's Monday walks, photos | Tags: , , , | 23 Comments

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23 thoughts on “7 Day Nature Photo : Day 1 a walk in the National Park

  1. Quite a circuit and all those folks out there so early – are they beating the heat?


  2. I love the variety on this walk–ocean, trees, turkeys, and people to watch. And all before breakfast!


  3. A lovely post Pauline and cool trees. Thanks for the nomination but as I’m doing the A to Z challenge during April I will decline for the time being. I’m still working out my posts for each day this month and can’t get 7 days together with a nature theme. I’m trying to combine the alphabet with some existing weekly challenges, which is head ache enough for me right now. I may pick this up in May when I’ve had a few days rest. I look forward to your future posts 🙂


  4. That was one beautiful walk Pauline.. so loved the contrast from the beach to the trees.. They held their own WOW factor for me.. loved the height of them and the way the roots twisted and made shapes.. That was my kind of forest 🙂
    Loved every single photo.. Thank you so much for taking me with you as you walked in the national park xx Sue


  5. Thanks for taking me along, I’m an early riser but slow to leave the house! I seem to be developing an obsession for tress, so I’m in seventh heaven seeing your photos. 🙂


  6. Some marvellous trees in that park, Pauline! I was intrigued to see you walked all that way BEFORE breakfast!


  7. What a wonderful bike ride and saunter, Pauline. The sunrise is spectacular and so worth getting up early to see. So much activity going on. Lots of early risers in your neck of the woods. Lovely nature post. 👍


  8. What a brilliant walk, Pauline. I’m past the jogging stage of life prefer to saunter along as well. You live in an amazing and beautiful part of Australia 😉


  9. I can’t help thinking there must be much less stress in life with the lovely beaches and sunshine…a great snapshot of Burley Heads


  10. I really loved the colors in the sunrise! Wow! And the trees were interesting to see with there roots and branches. Looks like a wonderful place to be! 💙😃


  11. I know I burned off a lot of calories on that walk, Pauline. 🙂 I’m doing the challenge, too, but now I know not to nominate you. Seems as though everyone’s participating already. 🙂



  12. I’m astonished at how many people are up and about so early, Pauline! I suppose in a warm climate they’re the best hours of the day, and people can still enjoy the beauty before going off to work. No wonder you and Jack are content to stay put for a while. You have such variety around you! I think Meg is going to feel homesick seeing this. 🙂 Thank you so much for the link. I hope I continue to have your energy as the years go by.


    • It is still warm, in fact March broke all records for being an average of 1.7 degrees higher than any recorded March. But thankfully it is not so humid now

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