Amazing sights at the beach…

 Cyclone Winston powers its way toward the East coast of Australia after devastating Fiji and causing villages to be obliterated and lives lost. Storm warnings are in place and our beaches are closed to swimmers.

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Already the swell is over 3 metres, one set was reported to be almost 7 metres, and only the experienced and fittest surfers are advised to go out in these conditions. Surfers are coming from all over Australia. The world champion Taj Burroughs was on TV last night saying he just jumped on the first flight from Western Australia to ride these awesome waves and they will get bigger as Winston gets closer…

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Its 4pm as I walk along watching the waves roaring in. But other things are happening all around. I notice a young woman holding blue diaphanous material as it catches the wind and floats and ripples around her. Then I see it is a photo shoot. I zoom in to catch the action.

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The other couple with the 2 dogs get up to toss a ball around.

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The bulldog joins in with the fun. I wonder where the other dog has gone…

Here he comes to join in…

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But wait a minute just look what it is, I couldn’t believe my eyes…

 I was taking these photos on a long zoom lens and it wasn’t till I downloaded the photos back home and I looked closer at the other “dog”.

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Yes it is a little pig. It is the first time I have ever seen a pig on the beach. I know they can make good pets and are quite intelligent as I used to work on a pig farm.

Walking on I go up the hill to the Miami headland to take photos of the Miami beach north to Surfers.

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I’m not the only person up here taking in the magnificent sweep of beach and the waves rolling in.

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Notice the few locks on the wires? It seems to be a growing trend to lock your love and remembrance thoughts in scenic places. Further along there are more.

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Some have inscriptions scratched on them, some have professional engravings.

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As I turned to go back down I noticed 2 blokes clambering up the hard way over the rocks.

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Wow, they were so fit I couldn’t resist asking them to be foreground subjects for me. (I did a minor photo shoot!!!) Just look at those abs….

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Jack took a sneaky photo of us as I showed them their photos.

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As they turned to go they were stopped by another group of French tourists, giggling, they asked if they could pose with them.

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After all this excitement it was time to head back to the car, but I can’t stop taking more photos.

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The sun is going down behind the hi-rises casting long shadows along the beach. But people still stand around watching the ocean as it crashes along the beach break that is Burleigh Heads.

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I could not see any surfers out there, it is low tide and those rocks would be deadly. I will have to come back tomorrow morning on the high tide to catch the action.

Time for one last selfie. Now to go over and get some fish and chips for dinner.

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I’m walking in the late afternoon in the other direction along the beach today and I will join Jo’s enthusiastic bunch of world wide walkers. Go join them at “Restless Jo’s place”

Categories: Australia, Burleigh Beach, Jo's Monday walks, photos, travel | Tags: , , , | 47 Comments

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47 thoughts on “Amazing sights at the beach…

  1. Can’t stop smiling after reading your post. Still deciding if I am more impressed by the waves, pet pig or the abs 😉


  2. How adorable is that “dog”. I bet that everybody was staring at the girl and did not even give him a second look. Stunning ocean landscapes, Pauline, and I love that close up of lockers very much too.


    • I never noticed the “dog” at the time as I was concentrating on getting the photo of that attractive girl and her man playing ball. It wasn’t until I downloaded the photos that I spotted the “dog” was a pig. I real jaw drop moment…


  3. I had a real good chuckle Pauline at you catching those two fit blokes lol…and I am sure it made those tow tourists day you took their photo’s with them 🙂 haha.. And Fancy that little Pig on the beach.. Wonderful..
    Altogether a delightful stroll along with you.. Thank you Pauline xx


  4. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : Souter Lighthouse | restlessjo

  5. Pingback: Changing Seasons… | gypsy life

  6. Well Pauline, you’ve outdone yourself with this one! Way to take advantage of some adverse conditions :-). Loved the piggy until I came upon the abs – holy smokes! I might have had to follow those two back to their cars LOL.


  7. Just be thankful we’re here and not in Fiji. Mother Nature is unstoppable, as are you with your photos of those young men. Bet you wish they were wearing speedos. 🙂 🙂 🙂


  8. Thanks for another fascinating post and photos. The surf looks amazing and the guys are pretty good too 🙂


  9. When I read how high the waves were and noticed no surfers out, I wondered. Then the next photo shows a surfer…did he (she?) go out? I used to do stupid things like that in storm waves. Love your photos, and you were so lucky to get all those people in your shots!!! Without paying them!


  10. Excellent photos – nice abs 😀


  11. Wow, what a lot to see ss for the two hunks, I’m breathless 😊😊😊


  12. Thanks sweetheart! Not sure whether to admire the abs or the pig the most 🙂 Never a dull moment!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I love the bulldog and the “other” dog. Too perfectly great!


  14. the photo with the danger sign and the waves shows us the tease it must be to not be able to go in – and is that your flip flop to the lower right?


    • No not mine Y. It seemed to have lost both its owner and its other mate…

      Liked by 1 person

      • well how fun – a single flip flop –


        • We call them Jandals over here…

          Liked by 1 person

          • oh I love learning all the terms, like my good pal, um, bloke.


            • Sadly a lot of good “strine” terms are dying out as “fair dinkum” younger Aussie now tend to use Americanisms picked up from TV and films.

              Liked by 1 person

              • well I guess there is the good and the bad with all this globalization – the oneness and unity is nice, but sad if these culture rich things are lost…


              • Hey Pomme – I got so carried away with the flip flop – and need to chime in more – first of all – the body builder dudes have such diverse physiques – always amazes me at how different we all are – and while the sculpt look is nice – whew – it takes a lot of time! That is a big lesson I learned last year with doing tons of yoga classes and swimming – it is a time commitment for sure – and it feels selfish at times – but it is for health – so that helps – but I have cut back this year (not going daily like I used to).
                and lastly, our local news was following a family who had a pet pg and neighbors were irate. I guess they were allowed to keep it – but for a while thet were under pressure to give it away. that was fun find with the lens – a pig!


                • G’day Y those 2 blokes seemed to have such a pleasant personality too, nice to talk to. Time looking after yourself and your health is never selfish as if you don’t keep fit and well you are a burden to others so well done I say to keep up your classes and commitment to health. For almost 8 years I worked on pig farms and they are intelligent animals, lots of character.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • And damn those are some abs! Lol – but at least they can out their arms down – I think it is super silly when some of these muscle dudes walk with arms Bowed


  15. One of my favorite places in the world is another surfers’ paradise, Oahu’s North Shore, where the winter swells can be enormous. I’ve never surfed myself, but I love watching surfers on the really big waves. There’s something about the strength of the surfer working with the strength of the wave that creates such beauty. You are fortunate to live in a place where you have the opportunity to see surfing at its best.
    Funny, pigs on the beach seem to be getting more common. You may remember that I encountered one last year about this time when we were on St. Simons in Georgia. Only that pig was considerably heftier than yours.


    • It is a major pro surfing event over here in 2 weeks time. Surfers from all over the world come here to compete. It is awesome to watch the action and this year the waves should be world class. Yes that pig will get much bigger I wonder how big their car is!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Gosh the waves are already huge Pauline! You have captured a wonderful array of photos on your walk!


  17. I love this post as I love this part of the world and the person I share it with.
    Yes It is good to be back, I have fitted more in one day in Burleigh than a week house sitting.

    Liked by 2 people

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