Spiritual Ceremony in a Thai Buddhist Temple…

Jack discovered, in Google, that a Thai Buddhist Temple, “Buddharangsee“, was only a 30 minute drive away from the farm, so we decided to have a day out and, with the help of our, now indispensable, GPS, we found it.

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This beautiful Stupa was surrounded by meticulously manicured topiary.

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No one seemed to be around, so, taking his shoes off, Jack went inside what appeared to be the office building. He came back out and  beckoned me to come inside. I took my shoes off and followed him. Passing the kitchens and administration rooms we stood at the entrance to a lavishly decorated Buddhist Temple. Numerous vases of flowers surrounded the Buddhist statues and 4 monks in saffron robes sat cross-legged on a raised platform along the right side of the room. They were being served platters of fruit by local members of the Temple.

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We were welcomed in and invited to sit and join them. Not really knowing what was happening, we tip toed over to the left side, offering the wai greeting of joined hands and lowered ourselves, cross-legged, onto the floor.

As the monks ate, one of the Thai men came over to us and explained that a few days ago a very high-ranking Buddhist monk, in Thailand, had died and this was to be an offering of prayers for his soul.

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This is a photo of the monk, I did not find out his name.

As the monks finished eating they began to chant. I bowed my head and closed my eyes and the waves of chanting rose and fell passing from one to the other and filling the room with a spiritual presence. Suddenly drops of water landed on my head, one of the monks was walking along the small group of local Buddhists members of the temple sprinkling them with holy water.

Then the women in the group took up the chant. I heard a discreet burp and glanced up to see that the monks had been served rice and dishes of Thai food. By now I was wondering how much longer I could stay sitting with my legs crossed and I was thankful to have a wall to lean against. After about 20 minutes it was finished. I found it much harder to struggle to my feet and needed Jack’s helping hand. The local Thais invited us to join them for a meal.

I wondered about taking photos but then saw every one else busy posing and clicking away with their phone cameras.

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This friendly group invited us to stay for a meal.

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It was only a small group of people as being a Monday many of their Buddhist friends could not make it to the ceremony.

After the meal we went for a walk around the grounds. The Monastery had been opened in 1988 and it had been created with care and love to provide a peaceful place for contemplation.

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The golden reclining Buddha had a serene and peaceful face.

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This intricately carved shrine held another Buddha and a statue of the Supreme Monk in Thailand.

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Buddha was everywhere in all his glorious forms. But what else caught my eye was the number of benches strategically placed around for sitting and meditating.

So I took this series for Jude’s last month of her “bench series”.


What an unexpected and interesting day, taking part in this very special and spiritual ceremony, and then enjoying a delicious meal with this friendly group of Buddhists.

Categories: Australia, bench series, Buddharangsee Buddhist Temple, photos, travel | Tags: , , , | 32 Comments

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32 thoughts on “Spiritual Ceremony in a Thai Buddhist Temple…

  1. What great timing for your visit – sounds like you were meant to be there.


    • We felt that too. Had originally planned to go on Sunday. Jack follows the Buddhist philosophy so he really appreciated the ceremony


  2. poppytump

    You really make an adventurous pair Pauline you and Jack 🙂 Lovely share of a post . I think I would relish a meditative bench not so the sitting cross legged .. eeek the back and knees .


  3. What a delightful and uplifting experience. It’s lovely when something unexpected happens. Thanks for sharing.


  4. What a great day out that proved to be, Pauline! 🙂 I love the shapes of those trees too.
    Have a happy Christmas, darlin’ 🙂


  5. What encounters you and Jack create. Thanks for sharing this one in words and photos – and for not airbrushing out your need for a helping hand to get up!


  6. Goodness PP you do end up in some extraordinary places. There is never a dull day with you! I’m afraid I’d have been in trouble sitting cross legged for more than 5 minutes these days, but it must have been a wonderful experience. And thank you for the benches, how lovely that they create one around the trees!


  7. Gorgeous photos, Pauline. What an interesting experience. 🙂


  8. A delightful post Pauline, for which many thanks, and as I said to Jack – a peaceful little corner of South-East Asia in Australia. _/\_


  9. What a wonderful find! And how serendipitous to arrive at such an interesting time.


  10. Pingback: Move or Change places. | jacksjottings

  11. Isn’t it wonderful when you come across something unexpectedly? What a lovely experience 🙂


  12. What a beautiful place (and lovely surprise for you), Pauline! 😀

    I hope you’re nowhere near those storms today xxxx


  13. Nice post Pauline you have enjoyed the hospitality and beauty of the two major schools of Buddhism. this one, the Theravada. The Mahayana, Nan Tien Temple Lake Illawarra as well as the one at Brisbane and many others as well throughout Asia. They have all been good experiences.
    The many different schools of Buddhism all believe in the same basic philosophy The Buddha taught.
    All the different branches have added their own ideas but as they agree on the basic teaching there can be no grave conflict. I may do a post on this subject rather than rave on about it here. Suffice to say thanks for accompanying me and appreciating the good. Pleasures shared are the best. _/\_


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