Welcome to my new house sit family…

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This is Lenny, a Burmese cat and he has a brother.

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Rainey is the cat closest to the camera. How do I know? Well because they are like peas in a pod Sue has put a dot of red colour on Rainey’s tail. But, though they look so alike, they have quite different characters.

Rainey is the extrovert, he winds around your legs, talks to you all the time and loves sitting on your knee. Can you see the red blob on his tail?

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Where as Lenny is more aloof. He likes a pat and attention, but prefers to sit on his bed up in the top of the cupboard.

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Then there is adorable Mitch. He is a real gentleman. Polite and well-behaved. We have bonded and he follows me around, padding along 2 inches behind me.

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Here he is waiting for me as I check the messages on the computer.

But they are not the only members of our new family. Sue and Norm (the home owners) love all wild life and they have an adopted clan of wild birds that they feed.

So the birds are also part of the extended family that we care for.

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Jack is feeding a pied butcherbird, just one of many that arrive through the day and tap on the windows or sing out for their food. They form a constant source of enjoyment.

Meanwhile Mitch waits patiently for any meat to be dropped for him to vacuum up.

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So we have settled in to our new home and I’m sure you will be seeing more of our surrogate pets over the next couple of weeks.

Categories: house sitting, Ocean Shores, pets, photos | Tags: , , , | 17 Comments

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17 thoughts on “Welcome to my new house sit family…

  1. Love the red on the cat’s tail! The cats look like they have quite the personalities! And I love the photo of the bird – my love of birds – I will have to look this one up! ❤️🐥😊


  2. This looks fabulous! Those cats are very serious indeed and Mitch is certainly an old gentleman. How long is your stay in this paradise?


  3. How lovely, and the cats don’t terrorize the birds?


  4. Those cats look quite scary! But you (and especially Jack) will love the visiting birds. Mitch looks very friendly and I see that Jack already has his feet up 😀


  5. Gorgeous cats! I agree they look a bit snooty, but any self-respecting cat will practice a look of disdain.


  6. Nice post Pauline with photos of all your favourite pets

    Liked by 1 person

  7. They seem a lovely menagerie! The surrounding grounds look lush and green as well. Glad you’re all settling in and look forward to further updates:)


  8. You’ve settled so smoothly and quickly, with amenable animals. Although the cats look quite snooty! Enjoy the change of place – a pointless instruction. You will, of course!


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