Another adventure is around the corner…

On Tuesday we leave for Sydney to spend 5 days in  Airbnb accommodation. What??? You have never heard of Airbnb? Check the details here. I will tell you more about it when we get there.

Then we board the “Oosterdam” on Sunday March 22nd for a 2 week cruise to New Zealand.

But I am getting ahead of my self first I have to pack….

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Oh dear, will it ever fit in…

This is quite difficult for me as we have not been on this sort of holiday before, previously our travels have been exploratory experiences spending months, even years travelling around Australia in Matilda, and only needing basic shorts, jeans and t-shirts. Before that our overseas travel was with a minimum of clothes in a small backpack.

 So I am not too sure what I will need.

I am dithering about how many “posh” type things I will need. I can picture me swanning around the pool deck in my usual shorts and tops and I don’t think they will fit the bill so I have actually been shopping!!!!! Not easy as I don’t like and don’t have the patience for it, plus I never seem to find things I like… Any way this time I took friend June with me. She LOVES shopping, so I think between us we found some suitable cruise type outfits. Must say I don’t exactly feel comfortable all dressed up… Maybe that will change after 2 weeks of leisure…

Jack had a great find at his favourite shopping outlet, the op shop… He found a brand new navy blue blazer style sports jacket, very smart, and a matching pair of navy trousers and a very attractive tie for the grand total of $18, $10 for the jacket, $6 for the trousers and $2 for the tie. He is always finding great buys at the op shops. I never can… So now he is all set to be invited to sit at the captain’s table.

So for the past few weeks I have been preparing the garden to look after its self. Weeding, pruning, mulching and today the mower man came to give the edges and lawn a final cut.

Garden March 2015 029_4000x3000

It has been a long hot and wet summer and the flowers are slowly giving way to the ravages of the climate. The Bird of Paradise is starting to wilt

Garden March 2015 016_3000x4000

And the ginger flowers are past their best. But many other flowers are still giving me a lot of pleasure.

Remember the small veggie patch? (click on the link to revisit it)

Garden March 2015 030_4000x3000

Well the caterpillars are still munching the kale, but I am getting a few feeds from what they leave.

Beans are doing well

Beans are doing well

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And I have filled the rest with herbs. Notice the thick layer of sugarcane mulch…

Garden March 2015 057_3000x4000

This was the sunflower patch, they are long gone and I have put in some small cuttings of a croton bush that I have been nurturing along. Can you see them among the protective mulch?

The compost bin is almost full.

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Jack has given the fish ponds their annual clean.

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Garden March 2015 072_4000x3000

Here are some more views from around the garden.

Garden March 2015 075_4000x3000

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Here it is all trimmed and tidy, I will miss it…

Categories: Australia, garden, photos | Tags: , , , | 43 Comments

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43 thoughts on “Another adventure is around the corner…

  1. Reading backwards I now know you have a wonderful time.. And the Garden is looking spectacular 🙂


  2. What a beautiful and well tended garden you have. Safe trip and enjoy yourselves.


    • I love my garden, it is one of my passions. Thank you for the safe wishes, there is a terrible cyclone lurking around New Zealand at the moment so I hope it has gone by the time we are sailing over there

      Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s twice in a week! I hadn’t heard of Airbnb either until the Eternal Traveler featured it in her recent post about Tokyo. Sounds very promising, though I’ve yet to find time to look it up.
    Always a pleasure to take a stroll in your garden. Just remains to wish you Bon Voyage 🙂 🙂


    • Before you go on your next trip Jo and need accommodation do look into Airbnb first you will be pleasantly surprised at what you find.
      Thank you for your “Bon Voyage” wishes,

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful photos of your garden Pauline – we have a Bird of Paradise too but it is just starting to come out (usually March/April then again in the spring here). Have a great trip to Sydney and also a fabulous time on the cruise 🙂


  5. I had to laugh at the kale skeleton ribs. Those caterpillars aren’t stupid. As a non-cruise person, I am looking forward to getting your take on the cruising life. I’m sure you will manage to enjoy it, no matter what. Bon voyage!


    • In the past I have always turned my nose up at all organised type travel, especially cruising, So I will be interested to experience it, I’m sure I will enjoy it as a different experience. But will I go on another one? That remains to be seen…

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Your garden is paradise ☺ and your trip sounds fab. Im off to Barcelona next month for a few days in an apartment via air bnb !


    • OH Gilly that sounds fabulous, my daughter has just come back from a trip to Spain and Barcelona, I’m looking forward to seeing all her photos when we get together in NZ.
      Have you used Airbnb before? I think it is a terrific concept. I look forward to visiting Barcelona with you, lucky you… 🙂


  7. Your trip sounds fabulous. Hope you enjoy it. Wilbur.


  8. Your garden is gorgeous! Looking forward to your trip photos & will check out Airbnb shortly. You & Jack have a wonderful time! xx del


  9. Thanks for the tour of your gorgeous garden! I too dislike packing for a trip and either pack too much or too little – can never seem to get it right. Sounds like a great trip and I too look forward to a photo of you and Jack all dressed up for a cruise dinner! Bon voyage.


  10. poppytump

    I’d be sad to leave a garden like that too Pauline ! I’m not the gardener I thought I was the past two or three years .. I wonder why Lol
    Have a wonderful trip … I can’t see why you wouldn’t 🙂 always ready to try something new and full of joie de vivre … Love following your travels Pauline x


  11. Love your garden PP – a real jungle oasis and one day I do hope to visit it. I’m sure we’ll all have loads to chat about. Meanwhile enjoy your cruise, I think I’d hate all the dressing up too, I’m not one for skirts and dresses and make-up and heels. I’d need to go on a very low-key cruise 😉
    But I do wish I was joining you in New Zealand!
    Have a safe and happy trip the pair of you and we’ll all see you later.
    Jude xx


    • I was thinking of you Jude as I did this post. It is an oasis, I am not a dress type person either, but I have put a couple of skirts in the case, it remains to be seen how much I wear them…
      I hope you do get the chance to visit us that will be so much fun showing you around…

      Liked by 1 person

  12. You two are going to have a great time, will meet kindred spirits, and return with lots of amazing memories. The gardens are lovely, and of course you will miss them, and those dear plants will miss you as well! I’m in shock that most of the images loaded this morning! Yippee!


    • Pleased to hear you had a good loading session today Lisa. Does that mean your internet connections are improved? We now have about 2000 new friends to meet, it will be fun…


  13. Wow, Pauline, your garden is lovely, and sprawling. I hope it will survive your long absence. I’m excited about your new adventure, and can’t wait to hear all about it. I’ve never been on a cruise, so it will be interesting to see how you like it. Hope it will be wonderful.

    By the way, I like this Adventure Journal Theme for your blog. I used this one for my Africa blog, and now I’m wondering if I should try it out for my China blog. 🙂


    • I am a little bit unsure as to how I will like cruising as I do like to organise and do my own thing. Well it will certainly be an experience.
      I like the Adventure theme, I like how it show cases the photos.


      • Well, I’ll look forward to hearing about it. I too like how Adventure Theme showcases the photos. Maybe I’ll try it out on my China blog. I do love it on my Africa blog. And on yours. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  14. What a gorgeous garden! Safe travels and be sure to get pics of the both of you all dressed up whether you sit at the captains table or not!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. at first I thought it was a typo – Airbnb – and can;t wait to hear more about it – also hope toy see a pic of jack at the capn’s table… in that blue jacket!

    best wishes packing –
    and truly a big thanks for the dose of flowers and garden shots – really nice garden you have there

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Good post Pauline with great photos and good shopping tips.
    The Gold Coast is the holiday capital of Aussie.
    Visitors from every where come here and bring too many cloths.
    That is why we have the best op shops.

    Liked by 2 people

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