Australia Day…

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Today, January 26th, is Australia Day.

“Australia Day is on January 26 and commemorates the establishment of the first European settlement at Port Jackson, now part of Sydney, in 1788. It is an opportunity for Australians to come together to celebrate their country and culture. There are reflections on the achievements of the nation and explorations of way to make the country even better in the future. ” (click here for more information)

So we flew the flag. The sky was blue and the temperature was in the 30’s. Further down the street neighbours played cricket, and over the back fence a big pool party was in full swing.

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We had burgers on the barbie, washed down with a Semillon sauvignon blanc.

Followed by pavlova…

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But lingering at the back of my mind is that with all the flag waving and celebrations the original “first” Australians are left out. Many Aboriginal groups use this day as a time to protest as they strive for recognition.

For a look at the 2 sides of Australia Day in Melbourne go here.

Categories: Australia, Australia Day, photos | Tags: , , | 33 Comments

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33 thoughts on “Australia Day…

  1. Happy Australia Day, mate! AUSSIE! AUSSIE! AUSSIE!!!


  2. Sounds like it was a perfectly normal Australia day. It had all the ingredients, and we also had the traditional Barbie and Pavlova!!


  3. I can’t get very excited about being Australian. .Although I feel privileged, I’m ashamed of our national ungenerosity and cruelty, and mortified by our treatment of Aboriginal people. We can’t move on from that until there is equality, in health and education for a start.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It certainly is going to be a very long road to equality Meg, I agree education and health should be a major commitment from the government, but it will not win them votes. Don’t think it will happen in my time.


  4. Nice one Pauline, adding the links was good and giving the indigonous Aussies a mention.


  5. I agree with Heyjude. We will have to do better now and in the future – but celebration is important too.


  6. I hope you had an enjoyable day !


    • We had an enjoyable day with friends Gwennie, but it was so hot!!!


      • yes, I know it is terribly hot in Australia as it has been in the news over here ! pitty you can’t send us a bit of that heath so you have it a bit cooler and we could have it a bit warmer ! 😀


        • That would be a good idea, but sadly we just have to put up with what we have got. Not much longer before it starts to cool down.


  7. Ah, the past. If only we could change the things those intrepid explorers did, but we can’t. We can change the present though, and the future hopefully, to be better for ALL citizens of the world. As someone else commented, there are always two sides to a story. But I don’t think that means you shouldn’t celebrate.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree with everything you have said Jude. The Aboriginals have been given an apology, but that is still not really recognition, and they still have a long way to go for equality.


  8. Happy Australia Day, mates! So far this portion of the eastern U.S. has rain, but we’re not holding our breath for snow/sleet, or any combo of same. Know you’ve no such thing in your forecast. Enjoy your celebrations! xx


  9. Happy Australia Day, Pauline. What a delicious and fun way to celebrate. Yes, One does always have to consider the different point of view. There will always be two sides to every story.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. well like Tina said 0 reminds me of the 4th here…
    and those burgers look real good

    and someone posted this


  11. Well Pomme, we Americans can be a bit myopic, and I must admit that the first time I heard of Australia Day was through some of you Aussie bloggers. Looks very much like our July 4th celebration, especially w the flags and burgers on the Barbie 😄. We too have our issues. I’m thinking our Native Americans may feel about our holiday as your Aboriginals do about yours. Here’s hoping all peoples find a place in which they can thrive and enjoy the world around them. Man’s inhumanity to man just never goes away, does it?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Looks like it was a perfect day with perfect food and perfect company 🙂


  13. Sounds like you had a lovely day and there’s nothing better than a BBQ – will be many months before we can have one here! Like you though I understand the ‘first Australians’ point of view since we have the same issues with 1st nations people.


    • I did have a lovely day, it is always good to share a meal with friends.The Aboriginals deserve far more recognition as a unique race and culture, but sadly in this modern society they are the forgotten people.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Happy Australia Day. We had a very hot humid one.


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