Weekly Photo Challenge : Express Yourself

Do I need to say more? One picture tells a thousand words.


We challenge you to show us what “express yourself” means to you.

This is the challenge from WP this week.

Categories: Australia, express yourself, photos, post-a-day, Weekly photo challenge | Tags: , , , , | 46 Comments

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46 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge : Express Yourself

  1. 😎

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I guess you have that Romany Spirit within Pauline.. Lovely photo 🙂


  3. wow – I did not realize you were raised in the 1800s – you really are doing something right! ha jk jk
    and great shot 🙂


  4. That caravan is beautiful – I want it!


  5. Beautiful photo, Pauline. I once knew and old man who lived in such a caravan in England. It was painted all the colours of the rainbow. He was rather eccentric and the kids all loved him. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lovely! Dearly Beloved and I need one of those and a horse what with our gypsy lifestyle!


  7. Oh, yes this expresses you so well, my roaming gypsy friend 🙂
    I believe you still see some of these at the Appleby horse fair in Westmorland. And yes, they do block up the roads!


    • We have seen the very occasional one during our travels round Australia. That particular one was in Europe. I still remember (just!) the gypsies that used to come round selling pegs when I lived in Yorkshire.


  8. Pauline, this is perfect for you!! 🙂 👍👍👍👍
    We wish you a lovely Sunday.
    Best regards,
    Dina, Klausbernd, Siri & Selma


  9. poppytump

    Oh Pauline you tugged a string there 🙂 … always thought I’d love to try one of these ….and you have !
    You know they have wagons like this to hire in UK .. some in the slow lanes around Gloucestershire .. but also set up in one place like an open meadow ..this one rather appeals http://www.underthethatch.co.uk/rcbm
    Next best thing of course is what you did with Matilda 🙂


    • That is an old photo Poppy I have yearned to travel in a gypsy van pulled by a horse since I was a horse mad child, so romantic. But yes Matilda was certainly the modern day equivalent and she satisfied my gypsy soul.
      The link you shared looked to be an ideal way to have that gypsy experience.


  10. But that is you in the photo isn’t it?
    We saw one up in Qld one year complete with horses ‘driving’ along the side of a road. Bit awkward trying to pass going so slow. The driver kept stoping and starting i did wonder if he should have been on a quieter road tho’


    • Yes that is me Cathy but it is an old photo, it is a scanned photo from about 1989 when I was travelling in Europe. I guess they would be a traffic hazard on busy roads. Maybe causing some road rage in this frenetic age.


  11. I wonder if I could reduce my life to fit in this? It would be a very interesting exercise! A neat way to encapsulate your spirit – has it always been a wandering one?

    Liked by 1 person

    • We lived in a Toyota Hiace in 2010 for a year as we travelled around Australia, I definitely like living in small spaces, less house work!!!! I left UK for NZ in 1961 at the age of 19 and have always loved to travel.


    • BTW I think there was more room in this gypsy van than in Matilda, our campervan.


  12. Love this!


  13. Love it!! Great expression of yourself!


  14. AWESOME!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Along with a group of others, my sons’ dad and I were building one of these back in the day. Ours was meant to be pulled by a team of draught horses, though. This one looks designed to be pulled by a vehicle. I’ve often thought of these lovely wagons, though, and wished I had one. One of the original ‘tiny homes’.

    As to ‘express myself’, I can think of may ways that could be taken. Pop myself into a wee box (well, maybe not so ‘wee’ LOL) apply postage and ‘express myself’. Reminds me of a song Pete Seeger sang ages back . . . think that was written by Woody Guthrie, but would have to look it up and no time now.

    More realistically, I express myself through words and creativity of many sorts. I would do so through music if I played anything well enough , , ,

    Liked by 2 people

    • G’day Linne, what a lovely chatty comment, as a child I always dreamt of having a horse drawn caravan. The nearest I got was having Matilda our dear old Toyota Hi ace that we travelled in for 4 years. So many ways we can express ourselves it was a great challenge and lots of interesting posts have been submitted this week. I think all of us that have a blog express ourselves through our words. This cyber world is so diverse


  16. the page did not open, but i look forward to seeing an image that will surely make me smile!

    until later, z


  17. Thus, the title of your blog? Great photo!

    Liked by 1 person

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