How does my garden grow?

It is a week since we built the no-dig garden bed. Did you see it in progress? (Here it is).

I’ve waited patiently for the heat from the compost to cool down. It is cooler now and rain is forecast for the weekend. A good time to put in the seedlings.

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Jack calls this a cradle for my babies! The crows and magpies thought I had built it for them to play in, so this fooled them and keeps them out.

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The netting is easily lifted to get into the bed. The green plastic wire at the back will eventually have beans growing up it.

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I planted these silver beet yesterday and they seem to have settled in OK, so now I am planting the other lettuce and rocket seedlings.

These are sunflower seedlings I carefully nurtured from seeds. This bed gets the full sun so I’ve put the old screen door over them for protection for a couple of days. I love sunflowers and these will grow to 5 feet, all being well…

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The seedlings are slowly taking over. Front right is the box I grew the sunflower seeds in. Still a few waiting to be planted out. On the seat I have some kale and rocket seedlings. Kale is one of the new super foods, even though the kale plants are still babies I pick one of the leaves as I wander by and nibble it. Maybe it will turn me into super woman (she says with a grin… )

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The first crop of lettuce have just about reached their use-by date. Home grown is so tasty, we have salad almost every day.

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This is the herb corner. Basil, coriander, oregano, parsley, rocket, chillies and at the end of the line a mini capsicum.

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These little beauties are just bite sized and I’m waiting, rather impatiently, for them to turn red.

This is a lovely time of the year. It is hot but cools down in the evening, that is when I love to be out in the garden.

Here are some flowers that add a splash of colour at the moment.

The clouds are rolling in, maybe we will get some rain, but I hope we don’t get the storms that hit Brisbane last week. (click here to see the storm) The poor folks in Brisbane are still struggling to clear up and another storm would be catastrophic. We are only 100 kilometres south of Brisbane but didn’t get any of the hail, torrential rain and winds that blanketed that area.

Categories: Australia, Burleigh, garden, Goldcoast, no dig vegetable garden, photos, Queensland, travel, tropical garden | Tags: , , , , , | 27 Comments

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27 thoughts on “How does my garden grow?

  1. I tried kale for the first time tonight, pommepal. It was from my sister’s garden. I think it might be an acquired taste I don’t have … yet. But at least I know I’m healthy. Your garden is looking very abundant!


    • Thanks Jill. I must admit it is becoming a bit of a passion now and I wander out a couple of times a day to check on the growth. The baby kale leaves taste quite strong but I like the taste. Be interesting to see how they taste as they mature. I bought some kale chips at the local farmers market, at a very exorbitant price, it will definitely be a one off taste trial, but I did like them so maybe I will try doing that when they are ready, if I can find a recipe. I’m guessing Google will come to the fore at that time…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You do not need to nibble Kale to become Wonder Woman.
    You are a Wonder Woman a wonderful Wonder Woman.

    Like Heyjude I love that frangipani it is at its best.

    When we plant a garden we plant we plant a garden,
    Only thinking in the now, Cindy, Rex and June will benefit when we🚢 to NZ.


  3. no dig garden bed is the best idea – and I bet that compost is dense and rich – I need to go back and peak at the other post of this in progress 🙂


    • two more things – first, this past summer I decided I will never again “not” use a raised bed or a container for my veggies – it just makes the most sense. 🙂

      and Pomme, do you recall when we were talking about the old pump at Short pump, VA? well silly me – I actually found a photo I have of the boys and I sitting in front of it – back in 2007 – lol
      I added it to the post but in case you do not come on by to see, thought I would hare it here:


    • I make my own compost from all the pruning’s we get. We have a mulcher machine which is worth its weight in gold.


      • very cool to make your own mulch – 🙂 – one day….
        and we get ours free from the county – well if we want some residents can take form these huge piles they leave out – – we just go and load it up and unload at home. a bit of hard work but worth it…

        oh and in the post – I love your flowers – but also the flower collage was beautiful =
        happy gardening ❤


        • We used to have that free mulch way back in the 1990’s but it has long since been scrapped by penny pinching councils. Well it is 4pm over here, I have just had a cuppa. The sun is out after 2 days of gorgeous rain and the garden is calling me, so I will shut down now for a while and go sow the beans I bought earlier today. Hope you are having a good weekend my blogging buddy.


  4. Your garden is so colorful & fun to enjoy through your photos & descriptions….especially the new raised bed garden. I used to love to garden with my husband & really miss it living in a condo now. Your dinner sounded yummy!


  5. hi amiga
    still hobbling with slow connections, so most images did not load… i love your little cradle of a garden and look forward to watching it grow!


  6. This all looks very lush – a real balm to northern eyes right now. Your herb garden looks amazing! Seems that you are getting some terrible storms there – the weather patterns are growing more violent everywhere.


    • Thanks Carol, it is good growing weather at the moment but we do need some rain. So far the storms have headed north, away from us. But we have almost a week of unpredictable weather to look forward to. The rain would be welcome but not the storms.


  7. poppytump

    I wonder what culinary delights will be garnished and flavoured with those pungent and lively herbs Pauline 😉 It’s all looking so good …. your plants make a real statement .


    • G’day Poppy, I love using herbs, tonight I made a quinoa salad with a big handful of parsley and cucumber, tomatoe and feta cheese and then lentil and cauliflower Indian curry with coriander and peas to go with the salad. I was in an experimental mode tonight. It got the tick (or lick!!!)of approval from Jack…


  8. I love seeing your garden, so much in a small space it is an inspiration! I only wish I had the climate to grow so much outdoors, sadly a greenhouse is necessary here. I love your fruit salad fangipani, never seen one that colour before. 🙂


    • That frangipani is beautiful, but the scent is not as strong as the white and cream variety. It is a great climate for the garden as long as we get the rain.


  9. Beautiful, Pauline. Great work!


  10. Ingenious and lovely garden. My rhetorical question (which you must not ask me) is whether you will stay home long enough to eat the beans??????? 😉


    • Ah yes, the beans, I’m going to plant them tomorrow and they grow very fast over here. You’ve, no doubt heard of Jack and the beanstalk? Well I think I have the original Jack living here… lol


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