Meet Troopy, our transport.



Naomi, the owner of the house we will be looking after for the next 2 months, has kindly given us her vehicle to use while we are in Geraldton.

“It’s old” she warned us, “and the back door is rather tricky to open and shut”

Naomi picked us up from the airport when we arrived in Perth. We stood at the pickup point not quite knowing what make or colour of vehicle to expect. The only hint we had was its age.

15 minutes passed, every vehicle looked modern and shiny. Then round the corner came a Toyota Land Cruiser. It was unmistakably old, a 4WD, sun-faded fawn with patches of rust. We knew immediately it was the one… 

Later that evening we had a delicious Chinese meal together and shared stories. Then Naomi had a plane to catch, so it was back to the airport said our fond farewells and Naomi, with only 7kg carry on pack, left for Java.

Naomi is one very adventurous lady and an intrepid traveller. Read about her travels by clicking here

Now we were left with “Troopy” He is a diesel, large AND a manual, it is also dark and we are in a strange city not too sure of our way back to the place we are staying.

I have not driven a manual for a long time, but I soon find that it is like riding a bike, you do not forget how to. Of more concern is my night vision it is not good, so it was a tense half hour as we gazed into the darkness trying to remember land marks to find our way back.

PHEW what a relief to eventually turn into Victoria Park.

Troopy is definitely a “he”. He trundles along with a deep-throated rumble, strange shakes and rattles and a high-pitched whistle, but he never misses a beat, starts first time, every time with a roar, then never falters.

The road ahead

The road ahead

Geraldton is approximately 450 kilometres from Perth. There are 2 choices, the Brand Highway, the main north-south highway, or the Indian Ocean Drive a more scenic route. Of course we took the scenic route. It snaked along through miles of flat scrub, occasional sections wound along the coastline with the incredible azure blue of the Indian Ocean sparkling to the distant horizon. We passed through a few small villages, none of them memorable enough to stop for a photograph.

6 hours later we arrived at Geraldton and our home for the next 2 months. I have bonded with Troopy. Not many vehicles travel on this road and we chugged along at a steady 90 to 100 KPH.I’ve rediscovered my macho inner self as I change-up and down the gears surrounded by a large, solid 4WD.

So Welcome to Geraldton, “Sun City” as it is called.

Categories: Australia, Geraldton, Western Australia | Tags: , , , | 38 Comments

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38 thoughts on “Meet Troopy, our transport.

  1. Pingback: Off- Season Lifestyle Decisions…. | gypsy life

  2. I’d just like to say, his name is Hector.


    • Oops…. ok he is now to be known as Hector. I’d heard you say Troopy so mistakenly thought that was his name. Thanks for the correction


  3. Joan and Terry Watson

    ooh this all looks good, so glad I went on pommepal, as the next 2 months you will see so much for us all to enjoy, never been to Geraldton, we have had rain here for your garden and ours of coursex


  4. great you are there for 2 months, you will really have time to look around … what good fun!


  5. pattisj

    I’m glad you were able to find your way back in the dark! Sounds like you’ll be enjoying the next couple of months, and I hope your friend enjoys her time away.


    • Thanks Patti, I usually try not to drive after dark. Not so bad if you know the area but definitely stressful when you don’t


  6. Troopy looks like a real workhorse and a great car to have in the bush. I’m looking forward to seeing pics of your adventures! 😀


    • That is a very good description of him, I like it Dianne. Don’t think I am brave enough to go real bush with him though…


  7. Looking forward to see where Troopy takes you…. 🙂


  8. Ah, “Troopy”; he’ll be loyal, too I’m sure. Can’t wait for more!


  9. poppytump

    When it cools … we ‘ll have some treats in store …
    Good to know Troopy starts with a roar and never falters PP 😉


  10. I loved the landcruiser we hired in the outback, but she was new and automatic. I’m not sure I’d remember how to use a manual clutch now! I look forward to reading about your adventures on the road 🙂 though in that heat I think I’d be on the verandah all day long!
    Jude xx


  11. I’m excited for what is to come!


  12. I can see that you and Troopy are going have great adventures together. 🙂


  13. What enormous fun! Troops sounds a real trooper, you’ll have some fun! Looking forward to seeing loads of photos, who knows it might even spur me into visiting the area, and seeing myriend in Perth 🙂


  14. Hope you have a lot of fun over there !!! Look forward to see your pictures !


    • Thanks Gwennie. It is still quite hot at the moment, in the 30’s, so tend to hibernate on the lovely big shady deck. It should be cooling down soon so then we plan to explore


  15. How exciting! We’ve always been fortunate, whenever we’ve been housesitting in Australia or New Zealand, to be left a vehicle for us to use, too 🙂

    I’ll hop over to Naomi’s blog and have a look at what she’s up to. 7kgs – that’s impressive!

    Have fun!


    • You’ll enjoy Naomi’s blog. She details how she kept down to 7kg in one of her posts. I was very impressed as we dragged our 14kg suitcases behind us.


  16. Get your motor running.
    Head out on the highway.
    Looking for adventure,
    Whatever comes our way.
    Darlin’ going to make it happen.
    Take the world in a lovin’ embrace.
    “Borne to be Wild.” but that was back in the sixties.


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