A walk in the park…

I am a passionate garden person and, for me, the highlight of any town is a walk around their Botanic Garden. I class Kings Park in Perth in the top 3 gardens I have visited in Australia.

The last time I visited in 2010, it was Spring and the gardens were a riot of colour. It was wild flower season and the displays were breathtaking

Spring 2010

Now it is autumn and most of the flowers have gone, replaced by a pallet of green. We found a few splashes of colour the last of the natives.

King's park Perth JC 032_4000x3000King's park Perth JC 014_4000x3000King's park Perth JC 007_4000x3000

But most had turned to seeds to hibernate till Spring arrives again.

King's park Perth JC 030_4000x3000

It was Sunday and still hot and sunny. Families clustered under the shade of large trees enjoying picnics and precious time relaxing.

The grass is so green

The grass is so green

As I walk across the soft, cushiony lawns I always marvel at the work and dedication the gardeners must put in to achieve this minor miracle of lushness in such a dry climate.

Tall gumtrees tower over the restaurant and souvenir shop

Tall gumtrees tower over the restaurant and souvenir shop, and a group of friends rest on one of the many seats dotted around.

A couple walk hand in hand.

A couple walk hand in hand.

A group of artists capture the moment

A group of artists capture the moment

This is a people’s park and it is a joy to see this space being enjoyed in so many ways.

 The water garden area is a peaceful oasis.

The giant boab tree

The giant boab tree

This is a very special Boab Tree. When I saw it in 2010 it was struggling to survive a very traumatic move. But look at it now.

The Giant Boab

The story of the Giant Boab ‘Gija Jumulu’ captured world-wide media coverage during July 2008 as it journeyed over 3,200 kilometres, from Warmun in WA’s Kimberley region, to Kings Park in Perth.

Never before had a mature tree of this nature been transported across such a distance on land. The iconic tree, estimated to be 750 years old, weighs 36 tonnes and stretches 14 metres high and eight metres wide (branch span). Its trunk measures 2.5 metres in diameter.

Project Coordinator, Patrick Courtney said when the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority learned the tree needed to be relocated due to works on the Great Northern Highway, it jumped at the chance to secure it.

‘We had a call asking us how to move the boab, and we offered to find it a new home at Kings Park – 3,200 kilometres south! They said yes.’

Now known as ‘Gija Jumulu’, the tree is a special gift to all Western Australians from the local Indigenous people, the Gija, who are the traditional land owners. They performed a farewell ceremony to the Jumulu (boab in Gija language) on Monday, 14 July 2008.

Honour Avenue

Honour Avenue

As the afternoon sun paints shadows across the road between some of the 1300 Sugar Gums that form the Honour Avenue it is time to head back home.




Perth on the other side of the Swan River

Perth on the other side of the Swan River

Tomorrow we head for Geraldton, approx. 450 kilometres north of Perth.

Categories: Australia, Kings Park Botanic Garden, Perth, photos, Western Australia | Tags: , , , , | 17 Comments

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17 thoughts on “A walk in the park…

  1. Fabulous!!!!.. 🙂


  2. the boab tree/story is amazing, and the avenue of ancients is surely a balm to the soul to see it in person!

    i’ve missed seeing your posts, amiga! am about to be ‘out’ for the day and hopefully online for a short time more tonight..

    from quito,


    • It is lovely to have your visit Lisa and I love your comments. I admire you, your patience with the connection, the beautiful posts that share your part of the world and your art inspire me. Thank you for dropping by my world.


  3. Beautiful, Pauline. Love the Boab and Gum trees! Your wonderful garden rivals these…


  4. those flowers are spectacular, I would love to see them one day, meanwhile your photos are gorgeous! what a great story about the boab, S is fascinated by them and drew and painted lots while we were in the north last year … happy travels!


  5. Madoqua

    I have always wanted to visit this garden – it is now higher on my list!! Lovely photos and such enticing lawn spaces!


    • Thanks Madoqua It is certainly worth seeing. I read that Bill Bryson, the author, ranks it as his pick for number one in the world, which seems a bit over stated, but it is very good, especially during wild flower season.


  6. poppytump

    Looks a gorgeous day for Autumn PP ! *sigh ….
    The plants do look healthy.. and how nice to be able to check up the baobab tree 🙂
    Such parks and gardens make people happy and no surprise after having walked around there along with you Lol


    • This is the best time of the year in this part of Australia Poppy, the really hot weather has gone (though it is still 29-30 deg) and winter has not set in yet, just perfect.


  7. pattisj

    What a lovely botanical garden.


  8. Oh, thank you PP. You know how much I adore gardens and I have loved visiting this one with you. How delightful to see people enjoying it in so many ways and I expect it is a wonderful oasis in this inhospitable climate, a chance to enjoy cool greenery. And lovely descriptive writing too //As the afternoon sun paints shadows across the road // …sigh.
    Jude xx


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