Rain at last…

A downpour

A downpour


It has been a while since we had rain. The plants drooped and wilted, every evening I would water them. The heat and humidity rose and the past 3 days this corner of Queensland has been sweltering in record-breaking temperatures. People flocked to the cinemas and indoor shopping complexes to escape into air-conditioned comfort.

Then yesterday afternoon the sky darkened the wind howled. Thunder and lightening roared across the heavens and it RAINED, it poured. We watched in awe the might of nature.

That evening on the news it reported that Palmbeach, a suburb only 5 kilometres south of us, had hail and rooves torn off in the torrential downpour.

Categories: Australia, Goldcoast, photos, Queensland, storms, video | Tags: , , , , | 20 Comments

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20 thoughts on “Rain at last…

  1. Joan and Terry Watson

    But we need a bit more rain, not floods just rain,, garden needs it so much.


  2. I was at the beach with the grand children but left them with their parents,
    when I saw those inky black clouds gathering.
    On the bike peddling like crazy the thunder motivating me and the lightning flashing.
    Hot and happy that I had raced the deluge.
    The wind lashed out whipping the trees and the rain pissisted down.
    I ignore the spell check on colour also.
    I enjoyed this post and only you know how I appreciated that storm.


  3. poppytump

    I had to turn the sound down PP !! You will now have very happy plants 🙂
    I imagine it’s a short respite before the temperatures rise again …


  4. I am pleased you had some much needed rain… We forget of all those dry places in need.. If you had said maybe I could have done a rain dance and sent you some of our excess over from the UK.. We have had horrendous floods recently and still are in for more flood warnings and storms…. Thank you for the video’s 🙂
    Blessings Sue xox


  5. wow! that’s the type of rain/thunderstorm i have not seen since … why, since my last trip to Australia!


    • It can be scary Stephen because some times it does not know when to stop…


      • During my times in Australia I’m always astounded, and perhaps a little frightened, at the intensity of the storms Down Under. The rain comes down in noisy, relentless sheets, and the thunder booms like a thousand cannons. We just don’t have such tropical storms like that here in California, so it’s always a sight to behold.


        • One of the things I would like to do, one day, is be in Darwin during the summer storm season. It is astounding here, up there it is 100 times more intense. Maybe one day I will get there.


  6. Not good about the torn off roof, but congrats on the rain. It is mid-winter here and we are still locked in drought and high fire risk! NO fun~


    • Hi Cindy, the plants loved the rain, we were very lucky that we didn’t have any damage apart from one plant in a pot blown over. When do your rains come? We have had some bad bush fires further north, they were very pleased to get the rain


  7. I love the sound of a thunderstorm. Glad to hear you escaped any damage from the storm.


    • That thunder was quite scary and 2 people were killed by lightening strikes yesterday. I felt like crawling under the table the thunder was so loud


  8. Haha it looks just like here PP! Maybe now you have our wind and rain we can have some of your sunshine 🙂 I certainly don’t want any of that really cold stuff they are having in the USA right now.
    I sincerely hope you don’t have any of the excessive flooding the UK is experiencing.
    Jude xx


    • The rain was lovely and warm Jude, it will do a lot of good to the garden. I think I would just shrivel up in the cold and snow over in the USA, I feel so sorry for them and also those floods look terrible in the UK. Are you affected by them at all?


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