Living the “Good Life”

Do you remember the TV series “The Good Life” ? Or was it before your time? It was about a couple turning their home and garden into a suburban farm.

Well I am not actually in suburbia and this life-style property we are house sitting is larger than the average back yard but I love that it has a large vegetable garden, lots of fruit trees and 24 multi-coloured chooks scratching around and laying us lots of eggs. I pick the oranges to squeeze a fresh orange drink each morning, I wander through the veggie patch deciding what we will have for dinner that night. The garden is organic with a thick layer of horse poo covered by a straw mulch and a couple of worm farms creating their magic tonic.

I am a farm girl at heart and I’m loving being back on this mini-farm.

This is the beauty of house sitting, you can sample all different life styles for short periods of time.

I have introduced you to the cats, now I would like to take you for a walk around the property.

Part of the lawn with the rainforest on the left

Part of the lawn with the rainforest on the left, I should take the washing in…


Take a walk over to the veggie patch

Take a walk over to the veggie patch

The veggie garden

The veggie garden, looking back toward the house


Lyn made the beautiful sun hanging and all the stained glass pieces

Lyn made the beautiful sun hanging and all the stained glass pieces

More stained glass

More stained glass

Veggie patch

Veggie patch

good orange crop

good orange crop


Even though it is winter there are still some roses in bloom

Even though it is winter there are still some roses in bloom

Just a few of the 24 chooks

Just a few of the 24 chooks


He is such a lovely colour

He is such a lovely colour

Here is one of our alarm clocks

Here is one of our alarm clocks

The boss and 2 of his girls

The boss and 2 of his girls













Categories: Atherton Tableland, Australia, garden, house sitting, photos, Queensland | Tags: , , , , , | 28 Comments

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28 thoughts on “Living the “Good Life”

  1. Pingback: The joy of creation in the garden. | gypsy life

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge : Habit | gypsy life

  3. Joan and Terry Watson

    Once again you have entered a Good Life and yes I do remember it.


  4. It all looks very industrious! Love the stained glass in the veggie garden. I wouldn’t know where to start in looking after the veggies. I’m a townie, though we had an allotment when I was small and I loved to pick fresh gooseberries. 🙂


  5. we have always lived the good life … when it was on tele we had 5 acres and all the birds and animals, orchard and vegetable gardens … and three little sons! now we still have some of the above but are a bit more independent … ‘your’ place looks lush, and very pretty with the artworks cheering up the garden 🙂


    • Hi Christine, Where about was your farmlet? It is a great way to live, second only to the travel life style… 🙂


  6. I think house sitting is a wonderful idea, hoping to be in the position to do it one day.


    • We love it, it opens up new areas to us that we can explore from the comfort of a house as accommodation as well as meeting interesting people and pets


  7. When I was growing up in Philadelphia, the local PBS station had a classic Britcom night on Sunday, and The Good Life was always my favorite. I loved the characters!!! Does Margo Leadbetter live next door to this place?


  8. You really are living the good life ! And yes, I am old enough to remember that series ! I love the chickens, never seen this breed before and I love the glass art in the garden !Did you bring your dogs ? Enjoy your stay !


    • Aren’t we lucky Gwen to have found this house sit? We do not have any pets of our own we just enjoy other peoples, fall in love with them, then leave them behind.


      • I thought the doggies you had in Tasmania were yours. It must be hard to love them and leave them then ! And yes, you sure are lucky to have found this place to look after !
        Enjoy ! and give the cats a cuddle from me !


  9. Great pictures! What a wonderful place to house-sit! And yes, I remember The Good Life. Penelope Keith was always one of my favorites.


    • Yes I loved that programme too. Maybe I am biased but I think British comedy is the best. Pity we do not see much of it now, except on re-runs


  10. Maybe a cassowary will wander through?


  11. yes, this looks like a really sweet place! the touches of art in the garden, the cluster of chickens – what do you do with all of the eggs – and wow, the sun on the oranges —– everything suggests a sweet life there!


    • G’day, or is it night Lisa? That is a good question about the eggs, the bantams lay smaller size eggs so I use 2 of them when it calls for 1 in a recipe, yesterday I baked a quiche that said 6 eggs and used 12 tiny eggs, it was delicious, but we are slowly loosing the race with the laying and the eating of the eggs…
      Yes it is a very sweet and stress free life


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