Tumbling Waters a hidden park in paradise

Sunrise through the mist

Stephanie, our couch surfing host,told us about her favourite campground on the way to Litchfield National Park. It was Tumbling Waters Holiday Park (click on this link to see photos and a description of it) It was well off the beaten track, 20 kilometres along a side road that was the back way into Litchfield. As this was our next destination we decided to stop at Tumbling Waters on the way. It was one of those unexpected gems that turn out to be a top experience. It was nestled among thousands of palms in a tropical garden setting and it had a pool to cool down in. It even had its own in-house crocodiles, 2 freshwater crocodiles basking behind a wire fence with notices not to let children through the gate.They had a large outdoor screen and every Saturday and Wednesday night a movie would be shown. With glass of wine or beer in hand, take along your own chair, it was a lovely experience to sit under the stars on a balmy, tropical night, smothered in insect repellant, to watch the show. It also had a restaurant and bar. All this for $28 for a powered camp site under the shade of large gum trees.

The Blackmore river flowed past and billabongs and bush walks extended, invitingly out from the camp. We woke at 6-30 and putting walking shoes on went into the bush to explore and have a photo session as the sun rose. It was a misty, magical morning.

Early morning bush walk


Cathedral termite mound


Spring blossom


These tiny star flowers twinkled in the bush


Early morning mist over the Blackmore river


Hiding in the bush


Unknown flower


River gums reflections


Breakfast time


Time can pass and before we knew it we had been out 2 hours and feeling hungry headed back for breakfast. We spent 3 days in this idyllic camp ground. Before moving on to Litchfield National park.









Categories: Australia, Camping grounds, Northern Territory, photos, travel | Tags: , , , , | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “Tumbling Waters a hidden park in paradise

  1. Stunning Photos Pomm!


  2. Tumbling waters looks lovely. I will make note of the site and look them up when we are in NT. thanks for the tip.


    • Thiis park is one of our top 3 stayed at well worth finding. It is also near Territory wildlife park, another must see. We saw it last time we were in this area


  3. The flowers and the birds look amazing! Some day I hope to see them in person.


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