Poor Matilda is feeling sick….

Oh dear look at those dirt roads Matilda


Poor Matilda covered in red dust as another vehicle rushes by…

We have been bush again, this time 3 days in the beautiful Litchfield National Park. More on that later because first I have to tell you that our faithful Matilda is not feeling very well. She has struggled into Katherine. Each hill has been a slow drag, dropping back to 50-60 kph. Other vehicles tailgate us in their impatience to speed by. Down hill it was a desperate rush getting up to 80-90 kph before the next tortured climb.

We felt every kilometre for her. If I tried to accelerate her engine would roar but her weary wheels could not respond. The kilometres painfully passed, 40, 30, 20. Finally we limped into Katherine. It was 4pm, good old Matilda had brought us 250 kilometres. But it is Saturday, this is rural Australia and mechanics only work 5 days, every where is shut.

So finding a good campground with grassy sites, shady trees, a pool to cool down in, a bar/bistro with entertainment, plenty of water, and NO mosquitoes. We have settled in for the weekend. On Monday we will take Matilda for her diagnosis.

In the meantime I can do the laundry, relax, swim, relax some more, and let you, all my faithful followers, know what we have done for the past 2 weeks.

I really appreciate the fact that you take time to read the posts and make comments. Please forgive me if I do not reply straight away as often we do not have internet connection. For the same reason the posts are a couple of weeks behind and not posted in “real-time”. So the next episode will take you back to when we left Kakadu and headed toward Darwin….






Categories: Australia, National Parks, Northern Territory, photos | Tags: , , , | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “Poor Matilda is feeling sick….

  1. I know the feeling of vehicles breaking down. We spent about $30,000 on our little shorty did everything air bags, turbo, put on gas, left on trip around australia and got 70k’s down road after engine rebuild and had to go home.
    Fixed that, got to adelaide and had trouble with g.box everyone said ok, but we new it was not. Eventually found torque converter playing up.
    Got 4,000 on 25,000 nisson. But motor too small, as only 2.8.

    We got right around Australia, luckily but risked our lives. So went home and installed a 6.5 chevy in it and all great now. Much more power.
    So hope all works out for you and Matilda. We love traveling and I have just started a blog about it. Love your bird photos too. I love all the birds
    cheers Eileen


    • Oh dear, that is a travellers nightmare, pleased to hear you have it fixed now. Will drop in and have a look at your blog. Hope you have happy,healthy and safe travels


  2. It’s such fun following you around. I can understand your concern about Matilda’s health.


  3. Good luck with Matilda’s diagnosis!


  4. Brian & Beryl

    Hi you 2 travellers,
    Sorry you are have some trouble with your Mitilda,
    She has done well really so I hope that she hasn’t too mush wrong with her.
    Things are going well here, it has warmed up some but with some cool mornings, lovely days.
    The computer club is on tomorrow at Robina & Tuesday we have a class for Animations, I am keeping some of your lovely photos, they are great, we have
    not been to the areas where you have been, wanted to but never got around to going, maybe sometime we might make it.
    Any idea when you are returning home??,anyway keep having a great time,love to receive your posts, take care love from B&B


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