The Changing Seasons, Version 2 : January

During 2015 Cardinal Guzman hosted a monthly challenge. The challenge was to choose one place and visit it every month to record the changes. A fascinating project. But unfortunately, last year I could not visit the same place every month because of my Gypsy wanderings.

Fast forward to 2016…

I was delighted to discover that the dear Cardinal has decided to continue his challenge but to add a version 2.

These are the rules for Version 2 (The Changing Seasons V2):

  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons
  • Each month, post one photo (recipe, painting, drawing, whatever) that represents your interpretation of the month.
  • Don’t use archive stuff. Only new material!

Now this year is also a year of change for me. I plan to stay, more or less, put. After 5 years of roaming far and wide around Australia, I’ll be exploring the Southeast corner of Queensland and Northern New South Wales, the place I call home. No distant travels (to a galaxy far, far away) to far-flung parts of Australia.

So yesterday I went out to search for an image that says “January on the Gold Coast”. The bigger challenge being to do it in ONE photo…

january beach pc 019 enhanced

This is Burleigh Beach, my local beach, and it is the last weekend of the school summer holidays. It is hot, it is humid and the surf is pumping. Just look at the crowds, but it is still possible to find an oasis of calm with a book, a coffee and your loved one under a tropical Pandanus palm. Room for a couple of young boys to play ball and a young woman heading for the ocean to catch a wave.

In the background, just visible through the fronds of the Pandanus, the Burleigh Heads National Park keeps a majestic watch over the scene.

Thousands of years ago this was known as a favourite meeting place for the Aboriginal tribes of the area. They would gather for ceremonies and share the bounty of the sea, leaving middens of shells to tell the tale of times long gone.


Categories: #monthly photo challenge, #the changing seasons v2, Australia, Burleigh Beach, Goldcoast, January | Tags: , , , , , | 47 Comments

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47 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons, Version 2 : January

  1. Pingback: The changing seasons : March… | gypsy life

  2. THAT is a great beach photo. And I love that it’s January! All the other January photos I’ve seen lately have four feet of snow in them. I like the concept of this challenge. Maybe I’ll join in the festivities…


  3. It’s a paradise, Pauline 😀


  4. Just a little different from what I see outside here at the moment! Not jealous*. Not at all. Of course not.



  5. Being in the middle of winter here in the US, I loved your photo of the beach. It seems so crazy to me that your summer vacation months are the opposite of ours 🙂 Maybe you could send me a little of that sun and humidity.
    Just to let you know, I’ve tagged you with some #GirlLove on my latest post. You can check it out here:
    Love your blog and have a great day!


    • G’day and thanks for calling by to get some cyber sun. Thanks for the tag, but at this time I do not have time to follow on with it.


  6. I think your place at Burleigh Heads will be a great place to look at every month…everyone loves a beach, and yours looks very tempting….I love the couple sitting under a tree reading, that would be my dream at the moment…


  7. Ahh, that is what sunshine looks like! ☀️ Lol! Looks beautiful there, Pauline! ❤️


  8. I feel lucky to have seen your beautiful area in person, Pauline. Looks so inviting!


  9. Love that you’re always up for a new challenge, Pauline. 🙂 One photo! Not sure that I could manage that 🙂 🙂


  10. What a great shot. Makes me a little homesick 😭😭


  11. I don’t like a crowded beach, but i would be quite happy sitting under the palm with a book. Good photo PP. I look forward to seeing your ‘local’ area this year.


  12. It’s too busy for me but I’d be happy to people watch for a while!


    • I could take you just a couple of kilometres down this same beach and it is almost deserted. Well away from the madding crowd.


  13. Great! It’s gloomy outside here, but bright indoors with your picture on my screen!


  14. Your beach looks so like Durban in December/January summer holidays. 🙂


  15. How wonderful to be in such a sunny climate. I like the sound of the monthly challenge so I will check it out! Thanks for the tip.


  16. What a wonderful place to have as your ‘local’ beach😎. This is such a happy scene and I really enjoyed your description which drew me right in, especially after I enlarged it on my screen. I’d be looking to park myself under a shady tree with a book.


  17. Wow! I’d love to spend my January like that!!


  18. Pingback: The Changing Seasons: January 2016 | Cardinal Guzman

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