House sitting again and the joys of farming

We are now house sitting again.

We arrived here 5 days ago and it has been an intense learning curve. Water systems involving pumps, dams, sprinkling systems to be shown. Power systems with cords and connections going in every direction. Discussions of what to do in the event of storms, fire and floods. (Keeping fingers firmly crossed)

Four cows needing attention, 18 sheep of various ages and that included a ewe that had twins only a few days before we arrived. Two dogs and an ancient but lovable cat.

Werombi house sit jc morning 024_4000x3000

A large vegetable garden to be cared for (and eaten!!!) and acres of native flowers to enjoy.

I am in seventh heaven I didn’t realise how much I missed the farm life. During the 5 days I followed around taking copious notes.

This morning at 4am it was D day. We went with Kim and Deidre to the airport and waved farewell to them as they flew off to America. Then brought their car back home. Arriving back at 6-30am we were ready for breakfast.

Now we are on our own (well not counting all the livestock!!!)…

First to check the ewe and lambs, aren’t they adorable…

Then to count the other sheep, one’s missing. I walk round the paddock and way over on the other side, near the dam, I find her. But she was not alone. Standing beside her was a fine, healthy baby and she was very protective of him.

With Jack’s help I separate her from the others and put her in the pen with the other mother.

lamb jc 009_4000x3000

Here he is only a few hours old. What a lovely start to our 4 week house sit.

lamb n farm pc 001_3550x2320

I check them a couple of hours later and he has had a feed and is looking very contented.

lamb jc 027_4000x3000

Meanwhile Seldon the border collie watches over them.

Being here is certainly an inspiration for me, going back to my farming roots.

I also think it is a transition for me during the next 4 weeks to be back on the land.


Now it is 3-30pm and time to do the afternoon rounds of animals, gardens and dog and cat feeding.


Categories: Australia, farming, house sitting, inspiration, New South Wales, photos, transition, travel theme | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 42 Comments

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42 thoughts on “House sitting again and the joys of farming

  1. Pingback: Farm walk… | gypsy life

  2. ooooops, sorry, meant, eat!


  3. This is why I cannot ear lamb. Is there anything so adorable???? What an adventure you are going to have!


  4. Joan and Terry Watson

    No wonder you love house sitting, this one is lovely but a challenge I would imagine, I could just sit and look at your photos of the animals for ages, lovely photos.


  5. Pingback: An incredible Japanese Garden… | gypsy life

  6. Pingback: An incredible Japanese Garden… | gypsy life

  7. You and Jack are an inspiration, Pauline !! Love hearing about this… thank you:))


  8. Thanks for the lovely photos .. you will be very busy watching over all those gorgeous animals and gardens. Busy, busy!


  9. poppytump

    You’re revelling in it all I can tell Pauline 🙂 A big responsibility this particular house sit but it seems like you and Jack have it all under control . Aw look at you with an armful of lamb 😉
    Seldon is a charmer . Loads more pictures to come by the sound of it … veggies and flowers … and the *ancient lovable old cat 😀


    • I’m loving this house sit. Every house sit is always different, but this one is a challenge. Yes lots more photos but finding time to do posts is going to be a challenge too


      • poppytump

        I can understand ! I guess you’ll be you back home for Christmas then .


        • No we will still be here for Christmas but are expecting a son and Korean wife with her Parents (who are visiting Australia for the first time, and only staying 2 weeks…) will be coming to stay for a few days.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. Gosh PP, you are going to be busy, not much time for blogging or even exploring by the sounds of it! You are in your element though. I wouldn’t have a clue about looking after farm animals, but you are obviously competent enough. And how lovely to have those babies to enjoy.


  11. How great for the farmers having you there while they are off for a month of travel. We would like to get chickens, but cannot figure out how to combine them with travel! Enjoy your time being a farmer girl again. The picture of the twins is gorgeous. They look like professional lamb models.


    • No chooks here and that is the reason they decided not to have them. Though I do think they are easier to leave than cats and dogs. The twins are getting very frisky and I think we will end up with hundreds of photos of them

      Liked by 1 person

  12. What a wonderful experience, Pauline. And those twins are adorable! Great post and have fun.


  13. What a delightful experience for you all. A month of ‘farming’ but being able to walk away at the end sounds good to me😊


    • I agree I’m loving it as a novelty for 4 weeks but really don’t think I would want the permanent tie, as I like to travel too much.


  14. Super photos. Pauline. You must be pleased as punch with your latest house sitting assignment. That new baby is adorable. 🙂


  15. House ‘sitting’ isn’t exactly what you do is it – more like house full-on activity. Sounds and looks as if you are in your element though, Pauline. Happy times, and lovely lambs.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Oh my goodness those people are so lucky to have you to take over. I’m so impressed, I wouldn’t know where to begin!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Pauline has a little lamb his name is Jack.
    Lucky Pauline is a farm girl so I can enjoy being a farm boy with no worries.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Great photos, and calm in the face of babies and births. Makes us look like incompetents with our alpaca adventures.


  19. Wonderful photos Pauline! My favorite is the one with the twins! 😊💖💕


  20. Oh! These lambs are SO CUTE. Pauline! What an awesome house sitting gig. I can’t wait to see more photos of these little cuties (and Seldon as well) 😀


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