Cairns botanical gardens

One of the highlights when we visit Cairns is to go round the Flecker Botanic Gardens.
It is only 6 months since hurricane Yasi devastated this area and I was expecting to find the gardens badly damaged. Walking round we could not see any signs of where the hurricane had been and when we talked to one of the gardeners we were told that a number of large trees in the rainforest area had been knocked over, but the main damage had been done by the flooding which took out a lot of the Heliconia and undergrowth but because growth is so rapid in the tropics they all quickly regrew.
These botanic gardens would be one of the best with the thick lush tropical plants and the vibrant Heliconia and ginger in flower. We spent almost a full day wandering around.
The Cairns villas tourist park we are staying in is only 15 minute bike ride from the gardens. Cairns is a very bike friendly place, flat and bike paths every where.

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Cairns botanical gardens , originally uploaded by gypsy woman1.
Categories: australian travel, botanic gardens, slide show | Tags: , | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “Cairns botanical gardens

  1. So beautiful! I am annoyed I missed the botanic garden in Cairns.


  2. OMG, those are beautiful, I remember when I was a kid my mother has alot of Cattleya orchids and other weird looking plants that changes the smell of the morning air. I miss those days.


  3. Jill Barber

    How lovely! Well done, Pauline – aren’t you clever getting this all working! Thank you for sharing with us all, and it’s inspiring me to think about such a free-flowing trip one day when Graeme finally retires. Love, Jill


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