A Word A Week Challenge : Zoom

Skinnywench from “A word in your ear” opens her dictionary at random and out pops a word. The challenge is to interpret it in either words or photos. This week the word is zoom.

The zoom lens creates so many photo opportunities and creative possibilities I would be in a photographic wilderness with out it. Capturing wild life would only be a blob on the horizon as it is so hard to sneak up close to them. As for birds they are up and away as soon as they see you. So for this challenge I am going to show case a gallery of bird photos I have zoomed in on over the years.

Categories: A word a week photo challenge, birds, photos, zoom | Tags: , , , | 28 Comments

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28 thoughts on “A Word A Week Challenge : Zoom

  1. Beautiful zoom shots. The Major Mitchell parrots are my favorite – they’re pink!! 🙂


    • Yes they are gorgeous things.You would love our pink and grey galahs as well. I love that name. Have you heard the Aussie phrase “You’re a big galah”?


  2. Tough choice – ostrich or frogmouth!!! Well done 🙂


  3. Such a precious little swallow – didn’t realize they were so colorful. Thanks!


  4. Wonderful!


  5. wow! simply wonderful!


  6. I loved your birds and you are so lucky to have so many of them on your doorstep


    • Yes we have lots of bright coloured and also many black and white birds here but I still miss the song of the thrush and blackbird and that delightful spring sound of the skylark


  7. I love the Jabaru and the Tawny Frog Mouth! Beautiful zoom pics 😀


    • Those 2 jabiru’s are doing their ritual dance as they do the changing of the guard on the eggs. I felt so excited to catch that moment


  8. your zoon = perfection in photo & subject~


  9. Wonderful close ups, Pommepal. You are an expert zoomer. 😃


  10. Do you know the name of the large black bird airing its wings on the branch is that a comorant? I saw a similar bird in the Lodi Gardens in New Delhi recently. I was able to get a few pics of it. One as it flew down off the branch to get a fish in the water. Hard to really make it out just the flurry of wings.


  11. they are all great! what is it about peering up close and personal into another species’ eyes that is whimsical and mystical at the same time? there’s no way i could pick a favorite here! they are all unique! z


    • I love the challenge of sneaking up on wild life to capture and shoot them harmlessly on film. I can never understand how some people find excitement in gun sports


  12. I always smile when I see the beautiful rainbow lorrikeets – they are gorgeous in their multi-coloured splendour, aren’t they? Love the Tawny Frogmouth Owl too. You’ve been doing quite a bit of zooming over the years, haven’t you? 🙂


  13. Beautiful! The Darter and that serious looking Galah are my favourites.


  14. great shots and you got a frog owl too !


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